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虽然醉鬼酣睡又打呼噜。Though drunkards lie and snore.

他们是酣睡的人,我向你保证。They are sound sleepers, I assure you.

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告诉我的爱人,她还在那里酣睡不醒Goe to my love, where bowre not well awake

照在树杈里酣睡的小鸟身上。And birdies asleep in the forks of the trees.

但求酣睡,只要孤寝独宿。But soundly sleeps, while now it sleeps alone.

回到起居室,亨利还在酣睡。Back in the living room, Henry is stillsleeping.

她踮着脚悄悄地走到酣睡的孩子床前。She tiptoed to the bedside of the sleeping child.

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你想要不依靠任何药物而像婴儿那样酣睡吗?Would you like to sleep like a baby without taking drugs?

夜静静的,黑暗在森林上酣睡。The night is still and the darkness swoons upon the forest.

酣睡之后,流泪的看羊人继续清扫。After a deep sleep, the weeping sheep keeper kept on sweeping.

当我还在酣睡的时候,我被张老师选中回答问题。When I was slumbering, I was chosen by Mr. Zhang to ask a question.

我酣睡在集拢来的叶子上,我的狗和枪躺在我的身旁。Falling asleep on the gather'd leaves with my dog and gun by my side.

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可是,情深不过相思苦,百无聊赖于无人顾盼之中,又怎能酣睡于梦境。But, love but love hard, bored by no one look, how can sleep in the dream.

接着便是屡屡炊烟,缭绕空际,人欢马叫,汽笛长鸣,酣睡了一夜的大地苏醒了。The great earth has come to herself from a full night's lethargic slumber!

睡在我们豪华舒适型纯羊毛床褥上来体验一次完美的酣睡。Experience a perfect night's sleep on our luxurious pure wool underblanket.

在这过程中,水獭宝宝全程酣睡,身上的毛都没怎么沾着水。In this process, the whole baby otters sleep, no body hair how stained water.

酣睡之后哭泣的清扫者继续窥视峭摆上的羊。After a deep sleep the weeping sweeper keeps on peeping the sheep on the steep.

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分不清梦境与真实,酣睡的夜与初醒的早晨。Confused with the real dream, sleep soundly on the night with a higher morning.

简单说,清醒梦就是当你正酣睡时,你知道你在做梦。Lucid dreaming simply means knowing that you're dreaming while you're sleeping.

酣睡之后,哭泣的清扫者继续窥视峭壁上的羊。After a deep sleep, the weeping sweeper keeps on peeping the sheep on the steep.