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再跟著下来就是号哭。Weeping and wailing should follow.

她老为她的烦恼事号哭。She always boohooed about her troubles.

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一场号哭通常会使她好过些。A good bawl usually makes her feel better.

不要只坐在那里像个小宝宝一样号哭。Don't just sit there boohooing like a baby.

当她歌唱时,悲哀号哭出她的声部。Woe weeps out her division, when she sings.

这里有一个号哭的孩子,那边有一个叫喊的女人。Here was a crying child, and there a noisy wife.

父亲号哭起来,恳求儿子再喝。The father, crying and wailing, begs his son to drink again.

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再跟着下来就是号哭,就算被鞭挞也不埋怨。Weeping and wailing should follow, and beatings are borne without complaint.

她听到了教士的话,也听到了她的女儿的号哭。She has heard clergyman's words, crying loudly having also heard her daughter.

同胞们,在你们举国欢腾的作乐声中,我听到千万人的悲恸号哭。Fellow citizens above your national tumultuous joy I hear the mournful wail of millions!

父亲号哭起来,恳求儿子再喝。The father, crying and wailing, begs his son to drink again. The patrons chant, Take another drink!

小姑娘满脸灰尘和泪痕,她挽着妇人的臂,仰望着,等待要她号哭的信号。Girls face stained with dirt and tears , holding the womans arm looking up at her for a sign to cry.

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她已经停止号哭,只是抽抽搭搭地呜咽着,用头巾梢儿擦着她那红块斑斑的脸。She had ceased crying and only sobbed, wiping her red, discoloured face with the end of the kerchief on her head.

乔大笑着,梅格责备着,贝思央求着,艾美因为想不起九乘十二等于多少而号哭起来。Jo laughed, Meg scolded, Beth implored, and Amy wailed because she couldn't remember how much nine times twelve was.

一种正人君子的良心使得他几乎又要哭起来,但是他再也不能哭了,他的各种思绪刚才还很有力地使劲号哭,现在竟没有任何忧愁能够在思绪上束缚他了。But he could not manage it now, for no trace remained of the sadness which had yoked him to thoughts which, only moments before, had made him sob so uncontrollably.

身体健康最重要,生活规律把握好,多走路来多小跑,积极主动家务做,空闲聊天心情好,哀不号哭乐不佻。The health of the most important, a good grasp of the law of life, much more than walk to trot, active housework, idle chat in a good mood, sad music does not wail Tiao.

曹娥是东汉上虞人,父亲溺于江中,数日不见尸体,当时孝女曹娥年仅十四岁,昼夜沿江号哭。Cao E is the Eastern Han Dynasty Shangyu people, father drowned in the river, a few days do not see the body, when we Cao E was only fourteen years old, day and night along the wail.