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请顺路到我的办公室来一下。Please stop by my office.

何不顺路到我家坐坐?Why don't you come by the house?

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他要求搭顺路车去诺丁汉。He thumbed his way to Nottingham.

我回家时,顺路去看看你们。I'll drop in on you on my way home.

有时他顺路去看望叔叔。Sometimes he dropped in on his uncle.

今天下午我会顺路到你家去。I'll swing by your house this afternoon.

别忘了你回家时顺路来这里玩玩。Don't forget to call in on your way home.

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如果今天我顺路去找你,不会有什么不方便吧?Would it be convenient if I dropped by today?

我要用双顺路来走路,或者用双清。I use double-Shun to walk or use double-ching.

中心广场我顺路。我载你到那里。Center Square is on my way. I'll take you there.

我这次来,也可以顺路去拜访其他厂商,所以我该走了。Give me a call if you can come down on the price.

过去他上班时,常顺路去喝咖啡。He used to drop in for coffee when he went to work.

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我昨天顺路去看他,但他不在家。When I drop in on him yesterday he was not at home.

我回来的时候,还可以顺路去看看卢卡斯太太和朗格太太。And as I come back, I can call on Lady Lucas and Mrs.

她在北京找了份保姆的工作,顺路来探望耀辉。She got a job in Beijing, on the way to visit yaohui.

我可以开车顺路把你载到车站。I'm driving your way so I may drop you at the station.

我们到你母亲家去时,可以顺路到帕特里克家串个门。We could call in on Patrick on the way to your mother's.

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您顺路来还是专程来作生意的?You came here only for this business or by the way only?

如果你不介意,我今天5点会顺路去你那儿取我的书。If you don't mind, I'll call by at 5 and pick up my books.

我们溜达去学校,顺路吃点东西吧。Let's mosey along over to campus and get something to eat.