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医生用柳叶刀切开他手上的水泡。The doctor lanced the boil on his hand.

胚发育属于柳叶菜型。Embryo development is of the Onagrad type.

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其胚胎发育类型为柳叶菜型。The development of embryo is Onagrad type.

合子第一次分裂为横裂,胚胎发育为柳叶菜型。The first division of zygote is transverse.

我见过了在风中舞动的柳叶。I've seen a friend killed by his best friend.

胚胎发育为柳叶菜型。The embryo development belongs to Onograd type.

水蛭和柳叶刀似乎是过去的处方。Leeches and lances might seem like prescriptions from the past.

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报告刊登在柳叶刀肿瘤学9月号上。The report appears in the September issue of The Lancet Oncology.

原胚发育属柳叶菜型荠菜变型。Proembryo development is of the Capsella-variation of Onagrad type.

他没有联系的研究和柳叶刀在共同撰写的一篇评论。He was not linked to the study and co-authored a commentary in the Lancet.

而柳叶菜高扬、毛茸茸的囊果皮让我们想起了夏天。And the drooping, downy seed-vessels of the epilobium remind us of the summer.

寻找产卵鲱鱼最好方法是往水里抛柳叶形复合亮片。One of the best ways to find spawning shad is to throw a willowleaf spinnerbait.

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这项研究报告刊登在周四的柳叶刀医学杂志在线版上。The findings are published on Thursday in an online edition of The Lancet medical journal.

合子第一次分裂为横分裂,胚的发育属柳叶菜型。The first division of the zygote is transverse. The embryogeny belongs to the Onagrd type.

他的饮食观念首先被发表在医学杂志柳叶刀在一九九○年。His dietary ideas were first published in the medical journal The Lancet in nineteen ninety.

唐朝女性喜欢将眉毛修剪为半月形或柳叶形。Tang women loved to trim their eyebrows into the shape of the half moon or arched willow leaves.

柳叶刀医药日报最近刊登了一系列关于蛇咬伤防治的报道。The Lancet medical journal recently published a series of reports on snakebite prevention and treatment.

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水蛭比蚂蝗、柳叶蚂蝗含有更高的抗凝成分。Hirudo has higher content of anticoagulant than whitmania pigra Whitman and whitmania acranulata Whitman.

这项研究发表10月7日提前在网上发表,其印刷版将会发表在柳叶刀11月肿瘤学版块。The study appears online Oct. 7 in advance of publication in the November print issue of The Lancet Oncology.

少见的有斑驳病、结节性硬化的柳叶白斑和许多综合征的皮肤表现。There are mottled rare disease, tuberous sclerosis, and many of the white spot syndrome pattern of skin manifestations.