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埃丝特不能生育。Esther could not conceive.

可是你说你已经生育过孩子?But you say you have babies.

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有损害生育能力的危险。R62 Risk of impaired fertility.

劝阻未婚生育。Discourage out-of-wedlock births.

压力是生育能力的大敌。Stress is no friend to fertility.

这意味着改变了生育。This means the change had procreated.

很多动物生育它们的后代。Mnay animals give birth to their young.

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男人在生育方面的主动。Male takes aggressive part in begetting.

昆虫有着很强的生育能力。Insects have an ability to breed rapidly.

环斑海豹通常在洞穴的底部生育。Ringed seal pups are reared in snow dens.

他们认为这样做,女人更能生育。They believed this would make them fertile.

她这次生育了三只可爱的小虎仔。She gave birth to three tiger cubs this time.

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生育能致高潮的这个想法其实并不新。The idea that birth can be orgasmic isn't new.

生育一只小象是一个艰巨的使命。Having a baby elephant is a serious commitment.

我该避免些什么,以保护生育能力?What should I avoid to protect female fertility?

女人给予人类生育,这他妈的太牛逼了。尊重女性。Women give birth and that's gnarly. Respect them.

最好的生育控制是“自我控制,”他说。The best birth control is "self-mastery, " he said.

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周期避孕法的别称,用于控制生育。Another name for the rhythm method of birth control.

我还参加“有计划的生育”。and I also am a participant with Planned Parenthood.

人口的增长使节制生育成为必要。In crease in population made birth control necessary.