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这飞机场真美。It's a beautiful airport.

我可以在飞机场买到吗?Can I get it at the airport?

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十一点之前可以到达飞机场吗?Can I get to the airport by eleven?

从这一条路可以到得了飞机场吗?。Can you getto airport on this road?

你需要有人在飞机场接你吗?Doyou need picked upatthe airport ?

汽车像“箭”般向飞机场疾驰。The car arrowed toward the airport.

飞机场挤满了去度假的人。The plane was full of holiday-makers.

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圆领衫是给“飞机场”和摩门教徒穿的。Crew necks are for squares and Mormons.

他们用公共汽车把旅游者运送到飞机场。They bused the tourists to the airport.

飞机场在市中心的西北方。The airport is north-east of the centre.

民航汽车15出发去飞机场。The coach leaves for the airport at 0815.

在飞机场我们的包必须过称。At airport our bags have to be weighed in.

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所以我要到飞机场接你妈妈去。I were meeting your mother at the airport.

一个闭头要素是他对飞机场狄住择。One key element is his choice of airports.

这是一个飞机场。它是滨海机场。This is an airports. It is Binhai Airport.

我必须在六点以前到达飞机场。I need to be at the airport by 6.00 o'clock.

飞机场挤满了去度假的人。The airport was thronged with holiday-makers.

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公共汽车把我们从飞机场送到旅馆。We were bussed from the airport to our hotel.

为库塔海滩的大多数的头准确地从飞机场。Most head for Kuta Beach right from the airport.

它是喜不自禁的如何极小的这一个飞机场终端机是!It is hilarious how tiny this airport terminal is!