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我玩命地工作的时候我老板竟然在酒馆里悠哉游哉。I was working my ass off when my boss kicked back in the pub.

你或者可以在你的加勒比海小岛上悠哉游哉下去,或者可以考虑开始下一个生意。Then either you go relax on your Caribbean island, or you try to start another one.

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英国石油公司的那个家伙——托尼·海沃德最近坐在他的游艇上悠哉游哉。Here's the problem. The British Petroleum guy, Tony Hayward, was on his yacht recently.

懂得怎么使用sudo,并按照这些最佳实践来做,那么你就可以去悠哉游哉,大快朵颐了。Know how to use sudo and follow these best practices, and then you can relax and enjoy every sandwich.

有一些较小的云霄飞车是悠哉游哉地回到车站的,而“复仇女神”却让你的心自始至终都悬在嗓子眼里。Where lesser coasters cruise leisurely back into the station, Nemesis has your heart in your mouth from start to stop.

如果是我,要是我有五十三分钟可以运用,那我会悠哉游哉向一道清泉走去。As for me, if I had fifty-three minutes to spend as I liked, I should walk at my leisure toward a spring of fresh water.

也许你会悠哉游哉,在法夫郡那自由王国五彩缤纷的渔村里自由徜徉,或者在充满神奇色彩的圣安德鲁斯老球场体验一把。Perhaps you'll potter around colourful fishing villages in the Kingdom of Fife and tee off on the legendary Old Course in St Andrews⑤.

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就在民主党在窝里斗的你死我活的时候,共和党既定候选人,老麦却在美国悠哉游哉为自己歌功颂德。While the Democrats pummel each other John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, swans around the country burnishing his reputation.

悠哉游哉的富人形像已被挽起袖子、埋头苦干的工作狂形像所取代,即便是他们的“工作”只是组织慈善基金会的募捐者。The idle rich have been replaced by the roll-up-your-sleeves, workaholic wealthy, even if their 'work' involves organizing charity fund-raisers.

许多组织者们视懒汉行动者为潜在的长期积极分子,而挑战就在于怎样将一个悠哉游哉的社会活动家变成一个真正的慈善家。Many organizations see slactivists as potential long-term activists. The challenge lies in cultivating the casual social activist into a true philanthropist.

迷迷糊糊就到了八月,日子过得悠哉游哉的,暑假还有整整一个月,得该想想怎样度过更有意义。Arrived in August blurry, the day passed, summer vacation also has the entire month which was free from restraint, should think how passed has the significance.

早期的移民们付出了艰辛的努力才在这片广袤的土地上生根发芽,后来的人又怎么能够就此过着悠哉游哉的日子呢?Long long ago, immigration made extreme tough effort on this land, then rooted and sprouted since then. How could later comer live laid-back life no need to work hard?