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僧侣手抄书籍。Monks copied books by hand.

僧袍不能使人成为僧侣。The cowl does not make the monk.

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僧侣们的生活乏味得可怕。Dreadfully dull lives the monks live.

婆罗门僧侣的游行队伍向咱们这儿来了。A procession of Brahmins is coming this way.

受惊的僧侣奔出室外。The frightened monks rushed out of the room.

终究在1060年他获得了修道院僧侣资格。He eventually took his monastic orders in 1060.

早期的僧侣又是医生又是巫士。The early priests were also doctors and magicians.

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愿意与僧侣结婚的信徒们也可以参加。Followers who want to marry with monks can also attend.

夜幕降临时,僧侣们点起油灯和蜡烛,继续干活。As night fell, work went on by oil lamp and candlelight.

在一间孤立的小屋里,住著一位老僧侣和他年轻的徒弟。In a lonely hut lives an old monk with his young novice.

很多僧侣拒绝在受军人监禁的情况下进食。Many of the monks refuse food from their military jailers.

随后,僧侣冒雨前进至另一个寺塔。The monks then marched through the rain to another pagoda.

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他说,果洛县的藏族僧侣一直在为死者祷告。He says Tibetan monks in Golog have been praying for the dead.

在泰国,哀悼者与穿深红色长袍的僧侣一起聚集在海边。In Thailand, mourners joined saffron-robed monks on the beach.

抄写书籍是僧侣们乐于从事的一项苦修。Copying manuscripts was one of the austerities monks preferred.

在时间的基督,爱色尼在昆兰是犹太人僧侣。In the time of Christ, the Essenes at Qumran were Jewish monks.

极盛时,寺庙多达360余处,曾僧侣聚万余众。At the prime time, there were over 360 temples and 10,000 monks.

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僧侣们在主厅中唱经,户外乌鸦的叫声,和屋顶的铃铛在清风中的清脆交织在一起。Outside, ravens circled and the wind rang the temple roofs bells.

当参加者躺在棺材内时,僧侣们就开始念经祈祷。While the participants lie in their coffins, monks chant prayers.

僧侣戒行不严,教风不正,思想混乱。Monks from teaching, do not to be lax, were ideological confusion.