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加上艾达的冷言冷语,红果心里很欠好受。Plus IDA's coldness, red fruits in the mind is very owe right now.

科拉松在美容店与伊梅尔达相遇,两个人互不买账,冷言冷语。Cora loose in beauty parlors and imelda meet, two people tell each, too.

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她又对她的男友冷言冷语了,他们还能在一同多久呢?。She's taking a dig at her boyfriend again. How long can they stay together?

这种冷言冷语一直是整个反对医疗改革运动的标志。And that cynicism has been the hallmark of the whole campaign against reform.

贾幸梅每天都在算计钱,又开始对爷爷说一些冷言冷语。Jia Xingmei in calculating money every day, began to grandpa said some coldness.

面对女子父母的冷言冷语,他只说了一句“是吗?”In response to the parents’ cold stares and harsh words, he said only, “Is that so?”

有些人冷言冷语地说这是桩交易性的婚姻,另外一些人则问她怎么可能还能再忍受下去。Some cynics spoke of a marriage of convenience, others asked how she could possibly stay.

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一天早晨,班纳特先生听到她们滔滔不绝地谈到这个问题,他不禁冷言冷语地说After listening one morning to their effusions on this subject, Mr. Bennet coolly observed

但没想到迎接他的却是父亲冷漠的面孔以及几句冷言冷语。But didn't expect to meet his father is the indifference faces and a few words of coldness.

面对俊五的关怀,她以冷言冷语相报,让大家之间的气氛陷入了僵局。Jun five face care, her mocking words are reported, let the atmosphere between the impasse.

尤金也跟大伙儿一起跪在地上,手心里握着最后的半元钱,也不理会辛格在旁边冷言冷语地讥诮他。Eugene knelt beside the checkers, with his last half-dollar in his palm, heedless of Sinkers bitter taunt.

尤金跪在地上跳棋盘边,手心里握着最后的半元钱,不理会旁边辛格的冷言冷语。Eugene knelt beside the checkers, with his last half-dollar in his palm, heedless of Sinkers bitter taunt.

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每个人都有貌似坚强实则脆弱的自尊心,别人凭什么要对你的冷言冷语一再宽容?Everyone has a seemingly strong but fragile self-esteem, others what you mocking words repeated tolerance?

所有看得入眼的,或者漂亮的地方,她都是一进去就被冷言冷语送了出来。From all the more pleasing or imposing places she was turned away abruptly with the most chilling formality.

最后梅森上楼见到帕岱莱夫斯基,他还是很热情,但他的夫人却冷言冷语。Finally Mason went up to see Paderewski and foundhim cordial enough, but Paderewski's wife was cold and standoffish.

本来韩冲是想对忍冬表明心意,结果忍冬对她冷言冷语,让他是受伤,于是负气离开了。It is to show that Han Chong honeysuckle honeysuckle on her mind, the mocking words let him, is injured, so just left.

周末,本来感情脆弱敏感的鱼鱼会因冷言冷语而感到备受摧残,这可能与情绪低落的朋友或愤怒的伙伴相关。Your tender feelings could get trampled by the insensitive words of unhappy friends and angry associates this weekend.

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我憎恨冷言冷语和被人误解,它会带给我心灵上的隐痛和敏感,再多的巧辩妙驳,也是消除不了的。I hate coldness and misunderstanding. They leave me with a sore and sensitive feeling about my heart, which no amount of ingenious argument can take away.

结果却收到了业余团体负责人的冷言冷语,说这么久都没看到的计划了,她都记不起来了。In the end, all I got from the big big boss was a snide remark, saying that the project took so long, she could even remember when did she participate in it.

这是冷言冷语叙述的真理,是用宇宙的黑色铁玺印就的,是把声音的强大节奏织人光辉和美的织品里造成的。It is the truth of the sneer, stamped out from the black iron of the Cosmos and interwoven with mighty rhythms of sound into a fabric of splendor and beauty.