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这个传闻是真的。That one is true.

传闻失实。The rumour was unfounded.

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我从来不信捕风捉影的传闻。I never believe idle reports.

此间已有传闻。It has been so rumoured here.

艾伦秀-琳赛萝涵澄清传闻!Lindsay Lohan Clears Up the Rumors!

仅是传闻不足为凭。Mere report is not enough to go upon.

但是传闻他的愤怒他的嚣张气焰。But rumors of his arrogance anger him.

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我否认所有与此有关的传闻。I want to deny any rumours about that.

传闻所有传说应该为25分每个。All Sagas are rumoured to be 25pts each.

但PTZ发布招标后,传闻不攻自破。But PTZ issue a tender, dispel speculation.

最近传闻已研制出一种“即插式混合动力系统”的汽车。The latest buzz is around “plug-in” hybrids.

这样就压下了大量的传闻和谣言。So that undercut a lot of the gossip and rumors.

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这个贝萨利斯克人总能告诉你一、两个传闻。The Besalisk was always good for a rumor or two.

关于他的各种传闻和故事有很多。Various urban legends and myths about him abound.

传闻她在一家大公司得到一份稳定的作事。She is said to have got a secure job in a big firm.

有一个传闻是说你现在有一个正在进行式的女朋友?。There is a rumor that you have a GF going together.

有传闻称,中国将在2012年后开始私有化进程。There is talk of a privatisation process post-2012.

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有传闻说海湾大桥倒塌了,There were rumors that the Bay Bridge had collapsed,

关于收购米高梅的传闻已有数年。Rumours of MGM's potential sale have surfaced for years.

传闻格雷戈尔对她不满,有了外遇。Gregor was rumored to be discontented and having affairs.