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张学良和平统一观的基本内涵是“息内争、御外侮”。Changs viewpoint of peaceful unification is "ending civil war and resisting foreign aggression".

他强调只有保持国家统一,才能形成抵御外侮的联合阵线。He stressed that maintaining national unity was the prerequisite for resisting foreign aggression.

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张学良和平统一观的基本内涵是“息内争、御外侮”。One China principle is the basis and prerequisite for the realization of peace and unification between the Straits.

他在这一方面的著述和活动启迪过很多人,不愧为强调抵御外侮的爱国主义者。His writings and activities in this area inspired many people and deserves to emphasize the patriots resisting foreign aggression.

张学良和平统一观的基本内涵是“息内争、御外侮”。The basic connotation of Peter H. L. Chang's viewpoint of peaceful unification is "ending civil war and resisting foreign aggression".

罗马军团击退外侮,但却只是初尝外患滋味,罗马从今以后都必须小心提防。The Roman Legions chased them back but it was only a taste of what was to come. Rome was now, and forever after looking over her shoulder.

“息内争”与“御外侮”之间具有内在的、必然的联系,两者是相互影响、相互作用、相互制约的。It implied an inherent necessity of "ending civil war" in relation to "resisting foreign aggression" and both were interactive in what Peter H.

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海军和空军应该悉数派往黄岩岛和南沙,宣示我们已经做好了保卫海岛抵御外侮的决心。All the navy and air assets should be sent to Panatag and Spratlys to show our resolve that we are ready to defend the islands from any invader.

中国自由主义思潮发韧于19世纪初,是西方自由民主思潮与中国抵御外侮的爱国主义思潮汇合后的产物。The trend of journalistic freedom arose in the early 19th century. It was the outcome of democracy in the west and the anti invasion patriotism in modern China.

首先,中国对从鸦片战争到1949年新中国建立期间所遭受的的外侮一直耿耿于怀。First, the country maintains a chip on its shoulder regarding indignities suffered at the hands of foreigners between the Opium War and the establishment of Communist China in 1949.

于是智勇双全的美国总统比尔·普尔曼号召世界各国共御外侮,将七月四日就变成地球的独立日。Therefore brave and resourceful American President Bill · Pullman summoned that the world various countries altogether imperial foreign aggression, on July 4 will turn Earths independent date.