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微笑能打破坚冰。Smiles can break the ice.

她为他破除坚冰。She broke the ice for him.

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河水都冻成坚冰了。The water of the river is frozen solid.

也许你看到的只是一块坚冰。You may not see much more than a block of ice.

没有什么象狗一样,在你和别人碰面的时候打破你们之间的坚冰。Nothing breaks the ice like a dog when you're out meeting people.

目前还不清楚刘成镇被释是否会促使两国之间的坚冰解冻。It is unclear whether Mr. Yu's release will prompt much of a thaw.

一本好书就如同一把能打破我们心中坚冰的冰斧。A book must be an ice- axe to break the seas frozen inside our soul.

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一旦你们打破了坚冰使语言之河流动起来,其他将变得简单。Once you break the ice and get the conversation flowing, the rest is easy.

冰窟就是自然形成内有大量坚冰的洞穴。Ice caves are a type of natural cave that contain significant amounts of ice.

如今我们终于看到坚冰的打破,对阿联的新赛季,我们也应该充满期待!With ice breaking, we now can expect successful seasons for Yi and for Bucks as well.

流动问题是一块难以攻克的坚冰,因为它涉及到很多立法中的不同区域。The mobility issue is a hard one to crack because it involves so many different areas of legislation.

让我们沐浴在她的仁慈、安祥之中,用虔诚和爱融化每一块坚冰,踏平每一道沟壑。Let us bath in her kindness and peace, melt every ice and overcome every gully with religiosity and love.

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1994年联通公司的正式成立,标志着我国电信市场独家垄断经营的坚冰开始被打破。The formal establishment of China Unicom in 1994 marked the broken of the China telecommunications monopoly.

一路打价格战的民营快递,在老大顺丰速运打破价格坚冰后,开始踏上了理性回归之途?In the price battle, will private express firms reduce their prices after S. F. Express took the lead to hike?

周一,随着一个关于伊拉克安全问题的四小时会议的召开,美国和伊朗打破了27年的外交坚冰。The United States and Iran broke a 27-year diplomatic freeze Monday with a four-hour meeting about Iraqi security.

我们不会忘记,当年中美关系的坚冰是从两国乒乓球队互访开始消融的。We will not forget that the ice in China-U.S. relations began to thaw with the mutual visits of our pingpong teams.

开源领域将Sun的这次人事调整看成是破除这层坚冰的机会。Open source communities see the restructuring as an opportunity to reengage Sun to see if they are ready to break this log jam.

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其实没有万能的方法帮你想出绝妙的注意,但是却有好多途径帮你打破坚冰,让你的思路再次通畅起来。There really is no surefire solution to get the perfect idea but there are some proven ways to get your creative juices flowing.

首先,从“履霜,坚冰至”引入,进而提出“天时”、“岁”,“始于”、“守之”云云。First of all, from the "Lu-cream, ice to the" introduction, and then put forward the "timing", the "Year", "begins", "keep the" and so on.

从阿尔塞斯打碎冰封王座的坚冰和巫妖王合二为一以来的这些年,死亡骑士的能力和狂怒只是在增长。In the years since Arthas shattered the Frozen Throne and merged with the Lich King, the power and fury of the death knights has only grown.