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该镇由一营士兵驻守。The town was garrisoned by a battalion.

驻守在那里的几个士兵仓皇地撤走了。The few soldiers there withdrew in panic.

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他命令她们驻守,以防她体内的水流汹涌而出。He bade them to allow not her waters to escape.

政府将派军驻守沿海城镇。The government will garrison the coastal towns.

目前约有14万7千名美军驻守伊拉克。There are now about 147, 000 U.S. troops in Iraq.

直到两年前,冰岛还有一个美军基地驻守。There was a US base here until just two years ago.

来自于7个巴耳卡尔人村庄的代表们就驻守在位于莫斯科最中心的广场上。Balkar villages live in the very center square of Moscow.

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尼尼微召集所有的保卫者,让他们驻守在城墙边,他们的盾牌也已经摆放好。They dash to the city wall. Their defending shield is put up.

此外,蜂群清除建筑物后可以驻守在里面。In addition to clearing structures Buzzers can also garrison them.

那里你将会发现一个由海葵驻守的入口。There you will find an entrance that is girdled with sea anemones.

但是李如松过江后驻守坡州仍然没有进攻汉阳。But after ru-song li river in hanyang paju there is still no offense.

日资商店外明显有警员驻守。There was an obvious police presence outside the Japanese businesses.

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用黑手清掉驻守得步兵,然后自己占一个地堡。Use a Black Hand to clear out garrisons , and then take it for yourself.

用黑手清掉驻守的步兵,然后自己占一个地堡。Use a black hand to clear out garrisons , and then take it for yourself.

驻守边界的士兵把游客拦下来,检查他们的护照。The soldiers at the border halted the travelers to check their passports.

马克斯威施的装甲部队在东部的112高地驻守。Max Wünsche's panzers were holding the eastern edges of the Hill 112 feature.

由于泰国民情激愤,两国政府都派兵驻守该地区。A public outcry in Thailand caused both governments to send troops to the area.

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这位战士驻守在这个雷达站已经有三年的时间了。The soldier has been garrisoned at the radar station for more than three years.

一部分国民党的部队驻守在淄川区西河镇三黄山的围子里。A part of Guomindang's army took up Sanhuang Castle at Xihe town, Zichuan county.

巴拉格尔先生正向本国和海地之间驻守不严的边界部署更多的士兵。Mr Balaguer is deploying more soldiers along his country's porous border with Haiti.