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悬挂手提袋。Hanging tote bags.

它正好悬挂在山崖上方。It just hung over the cliff.

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那盏灯悬挂在桌子上方。The lamp hung over the table.

一弯彩虹悬挂在天空。A bright rainbow arched above.

将悬挂杆件保持垂直。O. Place stems to be vertical.

一枝剑悬挂在他头的上方。A sword is hung above his head.

那艘船悬挂中国国旗。The ship was flying Chinese flag.

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三点悬挂,I,II类连接均可。Three point linkage I-II category.

一把刚剑悬挂在他腰间。A sword of steel hangs at his side.

她一点也不害怕悬挂式的滑翔。Hang-gliding holds no fears for her.

桌子上方悬挂着一盏灯。The lamp was hanging over the table.

一只鸟儿在窗前悬挂的笼子里啭鸣。A bird was warbling in a window cage.

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长长的吊瓜悬挂在架子上。The long pumpkin hanged on the shelf.

那船悬挂着英国旗。The ship was flying the British flag.

你看,机会就像悬挂着的藤条。Opportunities, you see, are like vines.

在那片绯红色天空上,黑色的天月高高悬挂着。The black moon hung in the crimson sky.

悬挂椅子是从苏荷空运过来的。The hanging chair is from Aero in Soho.

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在我的上方悬挂着很多苹果。There are many apples hanging above me.

一架架柳条鸟笼悬挂在枝下。He dumped the spoons in a wicker basket.

吊扇悬挂在天花板上。The ceiling fan depends from the ceiling.