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打个马虎眼有时可省却许多口舌来解释。A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanation.

这是显而易见的,从本质省却及拔萃管辖权。This is evident from the nature of dispensation and of diocesan jurisdiction.

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为了给自己省却麻烦,他们几乎抑制了我们自由活动的权利。To save themselves trouble they had almost suppressed our right of free movement.

可惜,没有其他配料可代替黄姜叶,所以如找不到便惟有省却。Unfortunately, there are no substitutes for these leaves so you may have to omit them.

一些搜索服务的开发者正试图通过改善页面的设计来帮助你省却猜测搜到的链接背后是什么样的网站的麻烦。Some search innovators are tackling interface design to help take some of the guesswork out of search links.

这赞同整个组成,省却任何屋顶排水沟,并提请游客对花园超越。This aligns the whole composition, obviates any roof gutters, and draws the visitor toward the garden beyond.

不动脑筋的人确实省却了不少“麻烦”,可是有了事情,不动脑子的习惯兴许会让你付出惨痛的代价。Defering to others without thinking may save you a lot of " trouble". But when time comes, you may pay for it.

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这样的话,您既不需要压货,也省却了包装,邮寄等各操作方面的问题。If this is the case, you do not need Yahuo, also obviates the packaging, mailing and other operational aspects.

这个软件模式省却了客户提前了解服务的确切名字和参数的需要。This software pattern eliminates the need for clients to know in advance a service's exact name and parameters.

中国人偷窃西方的创意和产品,然后为其他国家低成本生产,省却了研究费用。Chinese stole western ideas and products, and produce them for low cost to other nations with no research necessary.

与其找糊涂导师,倒不如自己走,可以省却寻觅的功夫,横竖他也什么都不知道。Rather than looking for careless mentor, oneself go, you can dispense for kungfu, somehow he also don't know anything.

婚姻省却是放宽在特定案件中的一个障碍,禁止或废止婚姻。A matrimonial dispensation is the relaxation in a particular case of an impediment prohibiting or annulling a marriage.

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许多年轻的爸爸、妈妈愿意给新生婴儿用纸尿裤,它清洁卫生同时也省却了清洗工序。Many of the young father, mother willing to give newborn babies with diapers, clean it and also obviates the cleaning process.

这种特性使得它很适合于在单个机器加工或多机器加工中,省却了操作者的过多干预。This also makes it suitable for use in standalone machines or in multi-machine cells, as operator intervention is kept to a minimum.

利用外汇自动交易系统,可以省却您守候在电脑旁,等待您预期将会发生却一直没有发生的市场状况的时间。Take advantage of FX Autopilot to free yourself from having to spend hours by your computer, waiting for a market move that may not take place.

该仪器的特点在于省却了一个载物台自动定位控制系统,使仪器成本大幅度降低。The characteristic of the instrument lies in that a location system of the object stage is saved, and the cost of the Instrument is greatly reduced.

这当然是简单而便利的解释,使他们省却进一步探求引力定律的说明的麻烦。That was, of course, a convenient and simple explanation that saved them the trouble of looking any further for any explanation of the law of gravitation.

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超市长期汇集众多消费人流在内,不像传统店铺那麽需要绞尽脑汁地吸引顾客入场,省却不少宣传费。Supermarkets always hold a cluster of consumers. You are no need to worry about how to attract consumers buying your products, it save your promotion costs.

事先就掌握一些信息,例如在作肖像画前了解基本的人头比例,就能省却你每次都去丈量比例的麻烦。Having certain information in advance, the basic proportions of the human head for example, saves you from figuring them out each time you do a portrait study.

这种情况大概反映部分进口商的议价能力提高了,透过这种机制,他们可以省却安排信用证的费用。Presumably this reflects the increased bargaining power of some importers who are able, through this mechanism, to save the costs of arranging letters of credit.