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来吧,玛丽,别怕难为情。Come on, Mary. Don't be backward.

没有什么可难为情的。There is nothing to be ashamed of.

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那是明摆著的谎话,真叫人难为情。The obviousness of the lie was embarrassing.

不要害怕或为单独做事情感到难为情。Don't be afraid or ashamed to do things solo.

马吕斯很难为情,走了,但是心里相当高兴。Marius went off quite abashed, but delighted.

这房子太不整洁了,我对此感到很难为情。I felt embarrassed about how untidy the house was.

他在外头耍脾气,真令我难为情。It's really embarrassing when he acts up in public.

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别怕难为情,强迫自己进行交谈。Do Not Be Shy. Force yourself to join conversations.

她一见到舅母,该多么难为情啊!What a meeting for her, when she first sees my aunt!

她对于第一次和弗兰克约会感到难为情。She feels shy about meeting Frank for the first time.

他感到有点难为情,低声下气地说,会写作。He was embarrassed. I can write, he said pathetically.

难道就是为了骑着马到浪搏恩来难为情一番吗?Was it merely to ride to Longbourn and be embarrassed?

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真是难为情,知道我渴望在哪儿见到他们吗,在草坪和花园里。It's embarrassing to know I'm lusting in Lawn & Garden.

他们只是更难为情地,神情紧张地笑笑但是却没有给出明确答复。More squirming and nervous giggles, but no clear answers.

你替我凃湿疹药膏我也不会难为情。I will not embarrassed when you rub me with eczema ointment.

那个学生站在大家的跟前时,感到非常难为情。The student felt very shy as he stood in front of the class.

告诉你,我自己也早已为那件事觉得难为情。I assure you that I have long been most heartily ashamed of it.

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他在大庭广众之下脱衣服,我感到很难为情。When he started undressing in public I didn't know where to look.

想到我和这孱头同年纪,我便感到难为情。It humiliates me to think that I am of the same age as that baldy.

她那样溺爱小孩,我一直都很难为情。I am always embarrassed by the way she slobbers over small children.