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不要过分概括。Don't over-generalize.

简单概括一下就是So again, let's recap.

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好吧,让我们概括一下All right. Let's recap.

他完美地概括了这一切。He summed it up perfectly.

这可以用三言两语概括起来。It can be summed up in two words.

让我们来概括一下要点。Let's recapitulate the main ideas.

这是一个很友好的概括。That was a very kind generalization.

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概括地说,最后的这篇文章将In a nutshell, this final article will

这里仅仅是做一个高度概括This is just a highly simplified view.

一幅照片能概括2010年的一切吗?Can a single picture sum up all of 2010?

我不想高度概括此事。So I don’t want to overly generalize it.

概括来说就是收入减成本It's basically just revenues minus costs.

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此外,还有一些更为概括的数据,或许更出人意料。Other, more-general stats might surprise.

这句话概括了真实性的概念。That sums up the concept of authenticity.

哪个单品可以概括2010年的生活?Which single object sums up life in 2010?

魔术师概括发生了什麽。The magician recaps what has just happened.

当然,这只是一个总的概括。This is, of course, a gross generalization.

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性别概括化是一个危险的区域。Gender generalizations are a dangerous area.

我在这里将它们概括为一类I've included that as a general family here.

你能概括一下南方人的特征吗?Can you generalize about people in the South?