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你好,麻烦你今晚替我留一张二人台。Hello. Can I book a table for two for tonight, please?

是“二人台”的艺术魅力不在了吗?答案当然是否定的。Is there no artistic enchantment with couple show?The answer is negative.

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东路二人台的唱腔则婉转流畅,旋律变化多端。East road "Er-ren-tai" melodies persuasive smooth, the melody is changeable.

因为其剧目大多采用一丑一旦二人演唱的形式所以叫“二人台”。Couple show gets the name from the singing forms of a clown and a female lead.

这样的研究在过去的二人台的研究资料中笔者还不曾见到有人涉及。Such researches in the last A popular Nei Monggol song-and-dance duet of data have never been involved.

“二人台”在发展过程中,积累了丰富的生活底蕴,散发出独特的艺术魅力。It has accumulated rich essentiality of life and is full of unique artistic fascination during the development.

东路二人台在语言、音乐、表演等方面形成了独特的艺术风格特色,很大程度上是受到当地蒙汉俗民所形成的生活习俗、文化的影响。East popular Inner Mongolia song-and-dance duet is a kind of local opera which deeply rooted in folk culture has spread centuries-old.

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尽管如此,二人台仍面临着剧本老化、新人匮乏的困境,面临着生存危机。Nevertheless, A popular Nei Monggol song-and-dance duet still face difficulties about plays aging, lack of new, and faced with crisis.

接着概述二人台形成的历史渊源、演变过程并总结归纳了其艺术价值。Then an overview of the formation of A popular Nei Monggol song-and-dance duet history, evolution and summarized their artistic value.

二人台以其浓厚地方特色和乡土气息深受这一地区人民的喜爱。A popular Nei Monggol song-and-dance duet of its strong local characteristics and local flavor deeply loved by the people of this region.

如何抢救“二人台”这个艺术品牌,使之能重现艺术光彩,更好地为广大人民群众服务,此项工作已迫在眉睫。How to rescue the art brand Er-ren-tai, to make it re-appear the art brilliance, serve for large people's crowd better, this work is urgent.

“二人台”起源于河曲民歌,却比民歌的演唱更为繁复、高级和精致。Its creation, formation and developments have an inseparable relation with folk song, but more complicated, advanced and compact than the folk song.

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文章正文分为四个部分,第一部分对二人台的形成与发展进行了溯源,对其形成的背景和四个形成发展阶段进行了概括。The second part including the formation and development, singing, evolution, art activities, the rise of two sets after the liberation in Hetao area.

综观二人台的历史现状,展望未来,结合近三十年的专业实践,第一次把二人台唱腔提高到声乐、哲学、美学、教育学、心理学的理论高度进行论述和整合。Sum the studying method of fork music. From the studying of old and new Song-and-dance duet popular in Inner Mongolia including my 30 years professional experience.

笔者希望通过这种新的研究视角为二人台工作者更好的继承发扬民族民间文化艺术提供参考。The author hope better inherits and carry forward traditional cultural reference through this new perspective for the A popular Nei Monggol song-and-dance duet workers.

而笛子演奏中特殊技巧的特殊运用,则能更加增强乐曲的表现力,吹奏出“二人台”独特的乡土风格。Furthermore, special use of special skills in bamboo flutes' performance can further strengthen the performance of music and show a unique native style of the double-combination performance.

康保东路二人台已走过140余年的发展历程,至今仍活跃在河北省北部城乡的文艺舞台上。Kangbao east road er-ren-tai has passed through 140 remaining years of life the development processes, until now still enlivened north Hebei Province in the city and countryside literary stage.