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您的小孩试过让您下不了台吗?。Does Your Child Ever Emfridgerbum You?

了。你是怕遭到她的拒绝,让你下不了台呀!Exactly. Nobody likes to get turned down.

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他在会上说的话太让我下不了台了。What he said at the meeting let me down badly.

您的小孩试过让您下不了台吗?。Does Your Child Ever Emsta new greindardrbumm You?

怎能让一个美国的大使让中国的官员下不了台?Can't have a US Ambassador upstaging CCP officials.

讲话容易被人抓住,抓住就下不了台,哼哼!Speech is easy to be seized, seized on the spot, hum!

这些学生的做法实在让老师下不了台。The way the students acted made the teachers very awkward.

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她的孩子在人家面前撒泼,把她窘得下不了台。She was very embarrassed when her child behaved badly in public.

你要我在那么多人面前道歉,真让我下不了台。You really put me on the spot by asking me to apologize before so many people.

但彼得雷乌斯和克罗克是绝不会故意安排一个可能令人们对政府产生质疑的行程,也不会故意使布什——还有和他持同样观点的麦凯恩下不了台。But Petraeus and Crocker would never purposely craft an itinerary that might cast doubt on the Administration's policies and embarrass their boss--or the man who shares his views, McCain.