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车站送别,依依惜别。Station to bid farewell.

在他们依依惜别的时候,他耐心地等待着。He waited patiently while they said their farewells.

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献上依依惜别的祝愿,愿福乐时该与你相伴。Offer parting wish to have the time of Happiness with you.

他们收拾好行装,与阿尔法队员们依依惜别后回到韩国。They packed my luggage, and alpha team even after back to Korea.

小学毕了业,我与朋友依依惜别,总是认为有缘一定会再见的。Primary school graduated, my friends and parting is always that the affinity will good-bye.

依依惜别时,我们总能自欺的释出诸如‘天下无不散之筵席’、‘分久必合’的“片段”。Be distressed at parting, we always self-deception releases such as ' no feast ', '" '" fragment".

彭定康校长与刘大使依依惜别,师生们亦挥手目送刘大使远去。Lord Patten of Barnes said goodbye to Ambassador Liu, and the teachers and students also waved and watched as he left.

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一天过去了,公主终于要回宫了,俩人依依惜别,才发现彼此已有了感觉。At the end of that day, princess had to came back to plaza, they suddenly realized that some special feeling risen among them.

人总是这样,一旦习惯,即使不值得留恋,也会产生依依惜别的感情。People are always like that, once the habit, even if not worthy of nostalgia, but also will be distressed at parting feelings.

此时的心灵是柔软的、纯净的,甚至带些淡淡的感伤,仿佛恋人依依惜别前唇边那朵温柔的缠绵的吻。When the soul is soft, pure, and even bring some light sentimental, as lovers' witness before the flower tender lips lingering of kiss.

献上依依惜别的祝愿,愿福乐时该与你相伴。分离熔得友情更浓,重逢首将在那更灿烂的明天。Offer parting wish to have the time of Happiness with you. Separation of melting may friendship thicker, the first reunion in that brighter tomorrow.

故土情深,云锦杜鹃对华顶的这份钟爱,这份执著,隐隐的,似乎还有当年花神仙子依依惜别的泪痕。Deeply rooted at the native land, Yunjin cuckoo cherished endearment to Huading, Tear strains from the flower fairy could be vaguely seen from its persistence.

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再看单身汉回寓所的情景,他刚在温暖舒适的乡下住宅度过了欢快的圣诞节,那里到处是和悦的笑脸,亲切的问候,依依惜别的深情。Then there is the bachelor's return to chambers, after a merry christmas holiday, spent in a cosy country-house, full of pretty faces, and kind welcomes and regrets.

献上依依惜别的祝愿,愿福乐时刻与你相伴。分离只熔得友情更浓,重聚首将在那更灿烂的明天!With the blessing of distressed at parting wishes, may the moment with you, Separation only melting may friendship thicker, the first will be reunited in the more brilliant tomorrow!

这时忽然传来了前方战事吃紧,军方要彭皓天立即动身的音讯,依依惜别的两人在那一夜成了亲。When suddenly heard hostilities tight, military ahead to peng our headquarters to set off immediately thereafter, witness the farewell party of two people in that night became a kiss.

虽然在军训过程中,同学们老爱抱怨,但到了要和军训暂别与教官说再见时,大家真还有些依依惜别之情。Although the students often complained during the training, they didn't like to say goodbye to each other when it was time to say goodbye to the military training and their beloved drillmasters.