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烧烤。烟熏火燎中坚守岗位的老爹。Barbeque. Dad sticked to his work despite of the smoke.

每天在世界各地有数百万人要烟熏火燎地做饭。Millions of people around the world cook their food over a smoky fire every day.

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再次呼吸着外面新鲜的空气中的感觉真好,至少没有餐馆里的烟熏火燎和嘈杂之声。It felt good to be in the open air again somehow cleansing after all the smoke and noise.

我们住在查理.洛克特旅馆,烟熏火燎且简陋,和我想象的一模一样。We are staying at the Charlie Rockets Hostel, which is smoky and shabby – just how I had imagined.

冬季,住户多挂棉门帘,用炭盆或煤球炉取暖,烟熏火燎自不待言。In the winter, residents hung cotton curtains to keep out the cold and lit stoves with wood, coke or coal for heat.

不少壁画上,还明显留下了历代香客僧人以洞窟为家时烟熏火燎的印记。On a fairly large number of murals one can see evident marks of soot left by pilgrims and monks through the ages when they made the grottoes their homes.

不言而喻,我们得面对厨房,然而,怎样才能使烟熏火燎厨房变成我们挥洒厨艺的天堂呢?It goes without saying, we must face the kitchen, however, how can cause the scorched by fire kitchen to turn us to wield sprinkles the kitchen skill the heaven?

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至于选择炉灶方面,则必须考虑避免烟熏火燎,一个高效的煤气炉和良好通风设施的抽油烟机都是必要的。As to respect of choice cooking range, must consider to avoid sootiness fire burn, of an efficient gas furnace and good and ventilated establishment taking lampblack chance is necessary.

今天发表的一份惠灵顿学院的医学报告显示,即便是车窗大开,和一位吸烟者呆在车里也等同于坐在烟熏火燎的酒吧。A Wellington School of Medicine report published today found being in a car with a smoker was equivalent to sitting in a typical smoky bar, even with the smoker's window wound fully down.

塔比莎从炉边烟熏火燎的凳子上起身,将酒瓶搁在彼得跟前,紧挨着那盏古老的铜灯,这玩意儿也是他大闹旧宅的战利品。Tabitha arose from her smoke-blackened bench in the chimney-corner, and placed the bottle before Peter, close beside the old brass lamp, which had likewise been the prize of his researches.