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多少个头?来个人选个整数。Pick an integer, somebody.

这是整数的除法。It's doing integer division.

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它接受一个整数进行分解。It accepts an integer to factor.

请输入一正整数。Please enter a positive integer.

第二个数组是一个整数类型的数组。The second array is of type int.

也就是a的b次方,而b是个正整数。a to the b where b is an integer.

可能应该是整数吧,对不对?Probably should be integers, right?

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取整数是一埃。Round numbers, this is one angstrom.

所以,整数如何能够拥有一些方法?So, how can an integer have methods?

对于每个整数,都是完全平方数。For all integers , is a perfect square.

无符号8位整数。注意整数和整型int不一样。BYTE An 8-bit integer that is not signed.

请输入一个在0和255之间的整数。Please enter an integer between 0 and 255.

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那么,非整数数字进入成语了吗?So, non-integer numbers into the idiom it?

径节通常是一个整数。The diametral pitch is usually an integer.

年龄是整数,并且必须是非负数。Age is an integer, and must be non-negative.

这个分数的分母是个整数。The numerator of the fraction is an integer.

我要求你给我一个正整数。I demand that you give me a positive integer.

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只是在每个强拍上加一个整数They're just adding integers on each downbeat.

最后,您将向服务器发送一个整数。Lastly, you will send an integer to the server.

总金额为小于2000的非负整数。Money is a non-negative integer less than 2000.