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请将烟蒂放入提供旳盛器里。Please put your cigarette ends into the receptacle provided.

拆下零件应用盛器妥为保存,不要丢失。The dismantled parts should be kept carefully in order to avoid loses.

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滴灌循环是,部分电线悬挂的水平以下的盛器。The drip loop is that part of the cord which hangs below the level of the receptacle.

目的探讨在病房环境中干备无菌镊及其盛器合适的更换时间。To search for optimal changing interval of sterile tweezers and container in wards of hospital.

每次交班前需检查冰箱食物,如有需要,及时更换盛器。Food in fridges to be checked on the beginning of every shift and container be changed if necessary.

减少购买以用完即弃盛器装载的外卖食物,或选择在家用膳。You can cut down on take-away food, which uses more disposable packaging, and choose to eat at home.

有开孔座位的小椅子,座位下放置便盆或其他盛器,供训练小孩大小便用。A small chair with an opening in the seat and a receptacle beneath, used for toilet-training young children.

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例如当牛奶中放糖后粘度增加,在其盛器表面易先结冰,而中间结冰晚。For example, when the sugar in milk after the viscosity increase in its receptacle on the surface easy to freeze, the ice in the middle and late.

食品包装具有许多功能,它不仅充当食品的盛器,而且能维持产品质量,为消费者提供产品的相关信息。Food packing have a lot of functions. It act not only as food container , but also keep product quality. So relevant information is provided to consumer.

彩陶大多是红色陶质的盆、瓶、盘、豆一类盛器,原始艺术家用一种刷笔,醮了黑色、白色以及红色画在器表上。Primitive Chinese artists dipped their painting brushes into black, white and red colors to make drawings on red pottery utensils such as basins, jars and plates.