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烟囱通风良好。The chimney draws well.

烟囱里喷出一团黑烟。He is a black scientist.

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烟囱里冒出烟。Chimneys belch out smoke.

烟囱排出烟来。The chimney ejects smoke.

烟囱喷吐出浓烟。The chimney ejects smoke.

烟囱冒出烟来。The chimney spouted smoke.

看,那烟囱,像座塔一样!That chimney! Like a tower.

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烟囱将烟排送至室外。Smoke swirled up the chimney.

烟囱笔直地矗立着。The chimney plumbs perfectly.

烟从烟囱里一股一股地喷出来。Smoke puffed from the chimney.

火焰从烟囱里轰轰地喷出来。The fire roars up the chimney.

烟从烟囱中袅袅上升。Smoke rolls up from the chimney.

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适宜的烟囱烟雾排放解决方案Suitable Smokestack Smog Solution

地上冒著黑烟的烟囱。Ground braving the smoky chimneys.

这个烟囱冒出一股浓烟。The chimney exhales a thick smoke.

我们家的烟囱正在排烟。The chimney of my house is smoking.

烟囱里冒着白烟。White smoke rose from the chimneys.

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炊烟从烟囱袅袅升起。Smoke curls slowly from the chimney.

烟不断从烟囱里冒出来。Smoke was pouring from the chimney.

我们的木屋有很大的烟囱。Our log cabin has a large smokestack.