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汉克被巫医弄得皮肤呈棕色。Hank was done brown by a witch doctor.

巫医念了咒语想叫我家的牛遭殃。The witch-doctor has cursed our cattle.

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凯尔特巫医不能加入尊-斯盖斯部落。The Kelt Shaman cannot join the horde of Dun Scaith.

一些巫医说,他们已经将灵药给了南非国家队的球员。Some healers say they have given muti to Bafana players, and Mr.

他们的萨满教巫医崇敬这种生物,认为每只蜜蜂都有一个灵魂。Their shamans revered the creatures, believing that each one had a soul.

法新社说,受害者中至少14人为巫医。Agence France-Presse said that at least 14 human victims of witch doctors.

于是,野牛之爱开始了他通往成为一名巫医的修行之路。Thus, Loved by the Buffalo begins his journey toward becoming a medicine man.

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其先祖为西伯利亚巫医。它们的赠礼是浮暮之血肉。Their Progenitor was a Siberian shaman, and their Bestowment is Ephemeral Flesh.

这些卷轴和刻写板,已经是我们的巫医们在这几个世纪中,所记录下来的全部资料了。Those scrolls and tablets are all that our shamans have scribed over the centuries.

虽然她选择成为医生,但她表示西医和巫医并行不悖。Though she chose to become a doctor, she said there was ample room for both approaches.

第一部分研究唐以前医人的社会地位,着重论述关于“巫医”与“道医”的社会地位。This part focus on describe about " The witch doctor " With " a medicine " Social status.

为了帮助他们,迪吉和他的儿子们去向伊渥克巫医洛格雷征求意见。To help the children, Deej and his sons sought advice from Logray, the Ewok medicine man.

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巫师和巫医,护符和物神仍都是非洲型态不可缺少的部份。Sorcerer and witch doctor, grigri and juju, are still an integral part of the African pattern.

格雷丝在过去是一位能起死回生的知名巫医。A while ago Gles was a well-known witch-doctor capable of curing even the most horrible wounds.

原始社会的医药从业者,巫医,主要是僧侣,黄教巫医。The medical practitioner in primitive society, the medicine man, is primarily priest or shaman.

目前一女巫医受警察拘禁,被控诱拐和意图谋杀这个小男孩。A witch-doctor is now in police custody, accused of the abduction and attempted murder of the boy.

我选择了巫医,一个使用奇怪魔法和拥有召唤能力的类死灵法师角色。I chose the Witch Doctor, the Necromancer-like wielder of weird magical arts and summon abilities.

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2002年他在伯利兹执行一项医疗任务时,为一个病得很厉害的乡村巫医提供帮助。One 2002 missions trip to Belize found him ministering to a village witch doctor who was very ill.

在纽约135号街区周围的黑人区,占卜师和巫医泛滥…The Negro quarter around 135th Street, New York, was overrun with fortune tellers and witch doctors.

柯林斯说,在南非队最近与危地马拉队举行一场热身赛前夕,他在南非队入住的酒店里发现了一名巫医。Collins says he spotted a sangoma at the team's hotel ahead of a recent warm-up game against Guatemala.