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简便的防滑耐磨。Easy slip-on wear.

耐磨损,使用寿命长。Wear-proof, long service life.

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耐磨的尼龙布。Abrasion-resistant nylon fabric.

耐磨鞋头和鞋跟。Abrasion resistant toe cap and heel.

耐磨的外底压橡胶和大麻。Durable outsole of pressed rubber and hemp.

初步探讨了稀土对耐磨高碳铬钼钢的作用。Hearin a preliminary approach is made to it.

锌合金字耐磨、印字精确,可作压凹字使用。Precision ZN types can used for embossing print.

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印膜光滑明亮,耐磨耐刮。The smooth and bright film is scratch resistant.

螺栓螺纹耐磨复合处理。Bolt threads treated with anti-friction compound.

橘红宝石材料坚硬、耐磨、低热。The ruby is stiff, abrasion resistant and low-heat.

耐磨的外底回收再生料和天然树胶。Durable outsole of recycled regrind and natural gum.

它的轻便耐磨的齿轮被看做是一个传奇。Its light and resistant gear was taken as a novelty.

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很多销都是镀铬的以使他们更加耐磨。Many pins are chrome-plated to help them wear better.

具有好的耐磨损和韧性。Good characteristics for toughness and wear resistance.

由于采用了特殊的耐磨件,延长了转子内易损件的使用寿命。Because we select special, life of the rotor is prolonged.

耐磨高铬铸铁件及耐热件。Wear high-chromium iron casting and heating-proof casting.

鞋面采用透气性好,轻量化、抗撕裂的耐磨网布。Mesh is breathable, lightweight, ripstop and wear-resistant.

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极好的耐磨\防水和防化学反应性能。Excellent anti-wear, anti-water, and anti-chemical properties.

平整耐磨、防螨、防霉、防静电。The formation of wear-resistant, anti-mites, mold, anti-static.

本发明揭露了一种制造耐磨损复合材料的方法。A process for making abrasion-resistant composites is disclosed.