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一辆公交车进站了。Along comes a bus.

进站更换锥和弯曲车轴。Replace pitted cones and bent axles.

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现在任何时候火车都可能进站。The train will be in any minute now.

从伦敦来的那列火车什么时间进站?What time does the train from London get in?

最后,麦坤进站加油。Finally, McQueen headed into the pits for fuel.

进站前火车鸣了笛。The train whistled before reaching the station.

火车快进站时,开始慢了下来。The train slowed down as it came to the station.

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火车快进站时,开始慢了下来。The train slacked up as it came into the station.

根据时刻表,火车八点二十七分进站。According to the timetable, the train gets in at 8.27.

她在公共汽车站一直等到末班车进站。She waited at the bus stop until the last bus came in.

韦伯,我们在他进站时机上计算出了风险。With Mark, we took a calculated risk with the pit-stop.

火车进站时,天正下着毛毛雨。It was drizzling when the train pulled into the station.

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万荣站北的臂木式进站号志机。Arrival semaphore signals. North of the Wan-Rong Station.

我们到达车站时,列车刚好进站。As we reached the station, the train was just drawing in.

平溪线十分站内的进站臂木信号机。Arrival semaphore signal at Shi-Fen Station, Ping-Hsi Line.

我在他进站的时候做了几圈好的单圈,这就足够了。I put in a few good laps when he came in and it was enough.

请留意即将进站列车为全程快速列车。Please mind the coming train is an express train westbound.

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上火车前先在进站口的验票处出示你的车票。Show your ticket at the barrier before you board the train.

第二次进站时,我换上了干胎。During the second pit stop, I had to put dry-weather tires on.

暮色中的寿丰站北臂木式进站号志机。Semaphore signals in the darkness. North of Shou-Feng Station.