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学生人数上哈佛大学再次告负。The number of students at Harvard University once again lost.

当他以97比83告负时,他们用一阵阵嘘声来迎接他。They greeted him with a cascade of boos when he came into the 97-83 loss.

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这是他们自一月在安菲尔德败给利物浦以来,第一次联赛告负。It was their first league defeat since losing to Liverpool at Anfield in January.

他们半决赛的对手是南斯拉夫队,双方在王子公园经过一场激烈的厮杀,法国最终告负。They met Yugoslavia in the semi finals but lost at the Parc des Princes in a thrilling game.

火箭队的球迷确实很关心,当比分以83-97告负时,全场发出了一阵嘘声。Well, Rockets fans cared. They greeted him with a cascade of boos when he came into the 97-83 loss.

我终于可以首发出场并且踢满90分钟。不过最后的比赛结果让人失望,我们0比2告负。While I was happy I got another 90 minutes under my belt, I was disappointed with the result, we lost 2-0.

尤文图斯同米兰的比赛战成1比1,但在点球大战中告负。在此前进行的另外一场45分钟的较量中,斑马军团以0比1的比分输给国米。The result was 1-1, losing in a penalty shoot-out, while Juve lost 1-0 to Inter in the other 45-minute match.

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几秒钟过后,小老虎和阿森纳就被红军扳平了比分,最后他们以总比分3比5告负。Seconds later Walcott and Arsenal conceded to let Liverpool back into the tie and eventually lost 5-3 on aggregate.

老贝的这一番演说发表在周四和本菲卡的欧联杯第二回合之前,在第一回合中他的球队以1-2告负。Benitez was speaking ahead of Thursday's second leg against Benfica at Anfield, with his side trailing 2-1 on aggregate.

那次,米兰在上半时3比0领先的情况下被3比3扳平,并在点球决胜中告负。那场比赛是欧冠决赛52年历史中最最伟大的比赛之一!The game was a rematch of the2005 final, when Milan blew a3-0 halftime lead and lost on penalty kicks after a3-3 tie in one of the greatest finals in the competition's52- year history.

比赛是2005年决赛的重演。那次,米兰在上半时3比0领先的情况下被3比3扳平,并在点球决胜中告负。那场比赛是欧冠决赛52年历史中最最伟大的比赛之一!The game was a rematch of the 2005 final, when Milan blew a 3-0 halftime lead and lost on penalty kicks after a 3-3 tie in one of the greatest finals in the competition's 52-year history.