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一盒两个拆的童贞膜出售价正在500元摆布!A box of two Japanese hymens can sell around 500 yuan!

她对童贞演讲提出许多要求。She's making extraordinary claims for virginal oratory.

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凭着我十二岁时候的童贞发誓,我早就叫过她了。Now, by my maidenhead, at twelve year old, I bade her come.

使徒信经和尼西亚信经提及到玛丽亚是“童贞女玛丽亚”。The Apostles' Creed and Nicene Creed both refer to Mary as "the Virgin Mary".

但是也有一些女性经历过多次性行为后童贞膜依然完好无损。Some women who have had sex don't have much of a change in their hymens, though.

伊斯兰教相信天堂是一个花园,在那里,安拉把童贞女们许配给义人。Islam believes paradise is a garden where Allah will give virgin girls to righteous men.

他会在两个城镇覆盖上,他会给予**童贞般的礼物。Two towns shall he cover with funeral palls and to virgins he will present virgin gifts.

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依照波斯神话,密特拉是由一位头衍为“神的母亲”的童贞女所生。According to Persian mythology, Mithras was born of a virgin given the title 'Mother of God'.

又或是让我们以二十世纪复原派信徒广泛否定的童贞女产子为例。Or, again, take the virgin birth, which has been widely denied among Protestants in this century.

这是为什麽旧约预言,弥赛亚将从童贞女出生,耶稣就是了。That is why the Old Testament prophecies that the Messiah will be born of a virgin, which Jesus was.

童贞座男生尽不会与无聊又愚蠢的女人结婚。The Virgo man is the last person on the Earth to end up marrying a frivolous and empty-headed woman.

一项新的调查针对数以百计年轻人的性行为,其中一些人做过童贞宣誓A new study looked at the sexual behavior of hundreds of young people, some of whom took virginity pledges.

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不仅耶稣是由童贞女所生,而且神还从犹太人手上把他从十字架那里拯救出来。Not only was Jesus born from the Virgin Mary, but God also saved him from crucifixion at the hands of the Jews.

在她证明童贞潜在的启示力量的演讲中,她很可能说得更多。She's probably said way more than enough in her testimony to the potentially apocalyptic power of her virginal speech.

凭这招进化适应性的杀手锏,雌性鲨鱼原来可以单性生殖,或者说,以童贞女之身怀孕生产。By a last-resort evolutionary adaptation, female sharks, it turns out, are capable of parthenogenesis, or virgin births.

在艾古安参加圣体游行的行列里,有所谓童贞女和献花女。At Ecouen, in order to take rank in the procession of the Holy Sacrament, a distinction was made between virgins and florists.

我们相信耶稣基督是童贞女马利亚从圣灵感孕而生。祂是真神,也是真人。We believe that Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, was born of the virgin Mary, and he is truly God and truly man.

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正如我在先前的专栏中所写到的,他们甚至试图通过强制进行“童贞测试”来羞辱女性活动者。As I wrote in my previous column, it has even tried to humiliate female activists by subjecting them to forced “virginity exams.

阿提斯是西布莉作为童贞女而生下的儿子。娜娜,以石榴的形式,受孕于一股神圣力量。Attis is the son of Cybele in her form as the virgin, Nana, who is impregnated by the divine force in the form of a pomegranate.

如果年轻人勉强这么做,或者是在同龄人的压力下才立下誓约,那么童贞誓约是不会有效的。If young people are coerced or are unduly influenced by peer pressure, virginity pledges are not likely to have a positive effect.