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我们的旧账可以一笔勾销!It's time we wrote off all our old scores!

他们希望他把他们欠的债一笔勾销。They hope he will wipe off all their debt.

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过去所有的仇恨现在都一笔勾销了。All past animosities are dead and buried now.

因此不应对这位现任总统或国家一笔勾销。So no one should write this president or country off.

只要你还给我,事情就一笔勾销,否则就把你交给警察。If you’ll just give it back, we can forget the whole thing.

哦,还有她的犯罪记录,要,这么说吧,永远一笔勾销。Oh, and her juvie record. That’s got to be gone, like, forever.

她给他的复信使他同她结婚的希望一笔勾销。His hopes of marrying her were paid to by her reply to his letter.

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别再犯傻了,最好将下面这些东西一笔勾销!Don't be fooled any longer. Cross these items off your list for good!

在女人情投意合的地方,男人只能把彼此的怨恨一笔勾销。Where women love each other, men learn to smother their mutual dislike.

你帮了我那么多忙,我愿意把你欠我的20英镑一笔勾销。You have helped me so much that I am willing to wipe off the£20you owe me.

但是如果市场最终掉头急转直下,他们资本也许会一笔勾销。But if the market eventually turns against him his capital may be wiped out.

在神秘的森林中,父子俩将过往的恩仇一笔勾销。In mysterious forest, father and son the write off of two pen of favour Chou Yi associate with.

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威尔班克斯与约翰.梅森一笔勾销两人的婚约,并相互提出告诉,但后来都撤销提告。Wilbanks and John Mason ended their engagement and filed lawsuits against each other, which were later dropped.

张保仔说已想清楚二人关系,希望前事一笔勾销,现在放走娣妹各不相欠。Cheung Po ts ai said that it had to clear relationship, hope things off before, now let her sister all dont owe.

在一些国家,这将使他们在过去十年增长中取得的消除贫困的成就一笔勾销。In some countries, that would undo all the gains in poverty reduction they have made during the past decade of growth.

当然我们可以把那笔债务一笔勾销,然后让美联储关门大吉,不过华盛顿极少有人对此感兴趣。Of course we could repudiate that debt and shut down the Federal Reserve, but very few in Washington D.C. have any interest in doing that.

切尔西的乔。科尔助攻克劳奇,把奥马尔。普索上半时的抽射一笔勾销,并且自己也在伤停补时打进一个球锁定了胜局。Chelsea's Joe Cole set up Crouch to cancel out Omar Pouso's first-half volley and then scored one himself in injury time to clinch victory.

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一年后,即1932年,洛桑会议召开。会议决议试图将德国几乎所有的战争债务一笔勾销,但该决议未能通过美国国会。A year later, the 1932 Lausanne conference tried to write off almost all of Germany's war debt, but the proposal failed to pass US Congress.

我把这道“公式”命名为“破镜重圆法”,因为它可以让往事一笔勾销的强大力量,如此一段关系便可以开始愈合。I have named this "formula" – The Clean Slate Method because it has the power to "wipe the slate clean" so a relationship can begin to heal.

在过去,国有银行控制的贷款,一般都是面向与政府有关的大型企业,其产生的一定数量的坏账都是一笔勾销。In the past, loans made by state banks to big government-related businesses created a significant amount of bad debt that had to be written off.