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小孩喜欢玩“过家家”。Children like to play house.

你觉得我们能在这儿玩多久过家家?How long do you think we can play house?

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我们为小克买了她第一个过家家的小房子。Chloe has just got her first play house. Yippee !

我不想让这看起来像是小孩子过家家。I didn't want it to look like kids getting married.

这种早午餐总是给我一种过家家的感觉。I always felt like I was playing house at these brunches.

过家家的游戏可以增加孩子对他人的认同感。Kids who play pretend with their friends do a lot of talking.

所有正常的孩子,无论是哪国的,都喜欢玩儿过家家类角色扮演的游戏。All normal children, everywhere, enjoy playing and pretending.

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就像在玩过家家,但是其他时候又是那么有意义。It's like playing dress-up, and other times it is so meaningful.

我们也许是在玩过家家游戏,但这真是完美的最后一夜。We might be playing ‘house’ but this is a really perfect last night.

我们买了最新的过家家的人偶玩具准备作为礼物。We bought the latest rages. Baby-Sitter's Club dolls and a doll house.

一个成年人最不想玩的游戏之一就是过家家。Playing house has got to be one of the worst games to play as an adult.

玩儿过家家时,他们学习父母如何关心孩子。Playing house, they learn more about how parents feel about their children.

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男孩子要做的是“男性”的活,而女孩子则鼓励其做“过家家”的游戏。Boys are asked to do certain "male" jobs while girls are encouraged to "play house.

他们两年龄太小,根本谈不上什么严肃的爱情。只不过像小孩子过家家。They are too young to be in a serious relationship. It's just a case of puppy love.

加布里埃从她的过家家厨房玩具,换到了她的一篮子书籍中。Gabrielle takes a break from playing at her kitchen set and reaches into her basket of books.

这国际贸易政策难道就象是小孩子过家家一样可以乱改一气的吗?You may wonder that the international trading policy can't be set slapdashly like a game between kids.

在幼儿园,连一个5岁的小孩子都在忙着做数学试卷,而没时间去玩过家家,角色扮演和画画。Instead of playing house, dressing up or drawing, 5-year olds now busy themselves with math worksheets.

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姐姐放学回来了,我们又和布娃娃玩起了过家家游戏。Her sister came back from school, and we also had the cloth doll plays a game of the game every household.

尤其是当那些公司都使用同样的型号的时候,场面就像一群用风投的钱玩过家家的小朋友。Especially the type, all too common then, that was like a bunch of kids playing house with money supplied by VCs.

过家家的游戏可以增加孩子对他人的认同感。孩子会更乐于公平竞争、分享以及合作。Imaginative play helps develop empathy for others. They become more willing to play fair, to share, and to cooperate.