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里根的成功是无庸置疑的。Reagan's success is not in doubt.

而此时对斯特里克林来说,关键时刻已经到了,无庸置疑。For Stricklin, the moment had arrived.

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印度的野心无庸置疑。There is little doubt about its ambitions.

清乾隆年间由日本传回中国,其真实性无庸置疑。It's true that it was handed back to China from Japan.

我们正一天天变得越来越开放,这是无庸置疑的事实。The inevitable reality is that we get more and more open each day.

无庸置疑,因特网是如今求职的最佳场所。Today the internet is undoubtedly the best place to search for jobs.

行动电话无庸置疑可以成为一个建立紧密亲子关系的管道。The cell phone no doubt can be a conduit in a close parent-child relationship.

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无庸置疑,这不仅具有理论上的探索意义,而且极具有审判实践价值。Undoubtely, it is worthy of studying theoretically, but also is of practical value.

无庸置疑,我们美乐家公司成功的秘诀是我们优质的产品!Without question, the secret to Melaleuca's success has been our superior products!

伯德说,无庸置疑,这群鹦鹉原本是从主人那里逃出来的宠物鸟。The flock of parakeets undoubtedly began as pets who escaped from their owners, Bird said.

无庸置疑地,他这麽做是在稳固自己的地位及利益,并且把焦点集中在自己身上。No doubt he did this to protect his position and self-interests and to keep the focus on himself.

月球初航1号飞船的发射提升了印度在全球的国家形象,这点是无庸置疑的。Chandrayaan-1's flawless launch has boosted India's image in the world. There is no doubt about it.

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无庸置疑的是,美国市场已经呈现出无法控制的通货膨胀的预兆。Without doubt, the United States is exhibiting some of the classic precursors to out-of-control inflation.

这反映出日本人无庸置疑的遵从领导、主人或雇主命令的价值观。That reflects the Japanese value of unquestioningly following the orders of a leader, a master or an employer.

利物浦主帅拉法-贝尼特斯说帕莱塔的实力无庸置疑,即使现在他英语欠佳。Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez says there's no doubting Gabriel Paletta's commitment, despite his lack of English.

在民主之风大行其是的希腊,任何乘船去爱琴海的人都知道,风能发电站的潜力无庸置疑。In fiercely democratic Greece, the potential for wind farms certainly exists, as anyone who sails the Aegean knows.

无庸置疑,我国恢复关贸总协定地位之后,对外贸易环境将有很大的改善,但同时也会对我国对外贸易和经济建设带来较大的压力。It goes without saying that after China resumes its seat in the GATT, China's foreign trade environment will improve a lot.

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结果是,美国成为世界最开放的重要经济体,无庸置疑,这种开放性是其力量的来源。As a result, the United States is the most open major economy in the world, and this openness is a clear source of strength.

无庸置疑,我们的人际关系是生命中最沉重的部份,你是否感觉到背包带已深深勒进肩膀?Make no mistake your relationships are the heaviest components in your life. Do you feel the straps cutting into your shoulders?

无庸置疑,总统自己不能任人欺负。经济依然在深深困境之中,需要继续帮助。Needless to say, the president should not let himself be bullied . The economy is still in deep trouble and needs continuing help.