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这一讯息已电告其家属了。The news was cabled to his family.

他们把这个消息电告她的家属。They cabled the news to her family.

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你是死者家属吗?。Are you a family member of the deceased?

南方公园家属的上诉被不予考虑。Southland park families appeal dismissal.

这份记录还必须由一位家属的共同签名。This must be co-signed by a family member.

他的死讯已电告其家属。News of his death was cabled to his family.

“我们”代表了在失事的103号客机中罹难者的全体家属。“We” meant many of the Flight 103 families.

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带来一个“添乱”的家属Bring meddling family members into the exam room.

我在这里向所有受害者和他们的家属们致敬。I bow before you, the victims and their families.

抚恤死难工家属的基金会即将建立起来。A fund will be set up for the dead men's families.

树的装饰将表现对军人家属的敬意。It will be decorated in honor of military families.

英国使馆人员的家属已经离开伊朗。The families of British embassy staff have left Iran.

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毕竟,大多数老年人有自己的家属。After all, older people themselves mostly have families.

两者的家属都未曾听说有信托基金这回事。Neither family has heard news of the supposed trust funds.

他觉得协助亡友的家属是他的义务。He conceived it his duty to help his deceased friend's family.

患者及其家属赞称此药真神奇。Chan said that patients and their families really magical drug.

许多受难者家属和当地的民众聚集到一起。Dozens of family members and local residents gathered together.

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或许吧。但是他们没有向家属出示任何的验尸报告。Maybe. But they haven't showed any autopsy report to the family.

外国留学生的陪读家属,应作为探亲者申请L签证。Family members accompanying students shall apply for L visa only.

而不被认为是过劳死的死者家属几乎什么也得不到。For deaths not designated karoshi the family gets next to nothing.