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你是唯一无二的。You are unique.

唯一的好消息是?The only good news?

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这是唯一合乎逻辑的。This is only logical.

你是我唯一的希望。You are my only hope.

他是我的唯一的男中音。He's my only baritone.

这是我们唯一的盼望!That is our only hope!

他是他的唯一终点。And he is his only end.

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她是我唯一的孩子。That was my only child.

爱是唯一,爱是一切。It is the only. The all.

它们唯一能做的就是咩咩叫。All they can do is bleat.

迭戈,她唯一的挚爱。Diego, her one true love.

他是唯一的一个客人。He was the only customer.

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那是唯一的办法,梅勒妮。It's the only way, Melly.

那是我们唯一的救赎。That’s our one salvation.

对此唯一的问题是什么?The only issue with this?

分类码是唯一的。Category Codes are unique.

纵全国唯一人泪流乎Were there no other tears?

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这些工具是唯一的选择吗?Are these the only options?

杰克是她唯一的后代。Jack is her only offspring.

唯一的路是反抗。The only way is resistance.