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避免在失败者周围徘徊。Avoid hanging around losers.

你可以把他们乘坐徘徊者。You could call them twixters.

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徘徊在小路上。Cows straggled along the lane.

徘徊于旧情新爱。The old love and the new love.

身边徘徊的年轻梦想者。Dreamers who lingers near them.

乳牛在草地上徘徊。Cows were roaming the grassland.

水银柱在35摄氏度左右徘徊。The mercury hovered around 3512.

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有许多可怜汉曾经徘徊、And many a poor man that has roved

他们只是徘徊在他的墓冢前。They just hovered 'round his tomb.

它总是艰难地在边缘徘徊。It's really rough around the edges.

回忆,独自徘徊月光里。Mem'ry, all alone in the moonlight.

回忆,独自徘徊月光里。Memory, all alone in the moonlight.

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她在爱与恨之间徘徊。She was torn between love and hate.

有一个陌生人在走廊徘徊。A stranger hangs around the hallway.

我发现了正在徘徊的衰老游唱诗人。I find him, the wandering grey bard.

知识一路行来,智慧徘徊无依。Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.

他在希望和恐惧中徘徊。He fluctuated between hopes and fears.

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我就一直徘徊在你的身影里。Henceforward in thy shadow. Nevermore.

穴鸟和乌鸦振翼徘徊。Where the jackdaws and ravens flutter.

香径徘徊赏花人。Flowers fragrant path wandering people.