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那人逃得无影无踪。The man got clean away.

囚犯逃得无影无踪。The prisoner escaped clear away.

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那船消失得无影无踪。The ship had vanished without trace.

帽儿岛现在已经无影无踪了。No vestige of Hat Island is left now.

许多伟大的名字,像泛美航空,早已消失的无影无踪。Great names such as Pan Am had disappeared.

那清脆的鸟叫声消失得无影无踪。The sound of a bird vanished into thin air.

动物们已逃得无影无踪,只剩下灰烬在风中飘扬。The animals have fled.Ash blows on the wind.

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比起丧失你来便要无影无踪。Compared with loss of thee, will not seem so.

但是,随着夜晚的降临,他们的面具不久就消失得无影无踪了。As the night goes on, though, their façades will crumble.

他决定,要消失得无影无踪。He will, he decides, simply try to vanish without a trace.

这个出纳员带着八万镑现钞消失得无影无踪。The cashier had run out with eighty thousand pounds in cash.

而当她站在门口回头张望时,这只狗已经消失得无影无踪。When she turned around in her doorway, the dog had vanished.

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仿佛从来不曾存在,瞬间便蒸发消散,无影无踪。It vaporises, within a second as though it had never existed.

牠消失得无影无踪,就好像水晶杯里酡红的红酒。It disappeared without a trace, like fine red wine in crystal.

当我转回身时,那个小男孩已经消失得无影无踪了。When I turned back, the little boy had vanished into thin air.

“祝你好运,哈利。”他喃喃地说,然后转过身,只听斗篷飕的一声,他已经消失得无影无踪了。He turned on his heel and with a swish of his cloak, he was gone.

让它们被净化水冲走吧,让它们消失得无影无踪。Let them be washed away by the cleansing waters, and let them go.

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他光着头站在路上,盯牢着她,很快地她就无影无踪了。He stood bareheaded in the road, watching her quick disappearance.

这时,骗子带着钱袋,转身一溜烟地逃得无影无踪。Then, taking the money, the thief turned and got clear away swiftly.

我叫她小心点,不然她就要跌下去,她很灵敏地无影无踪。I bid her be cautious lest she got a fall, and she nimbly disappeared.