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有些政府官员对贪污受贿视而不见。Some government officials connive at graft.

问题不仅仅是挪用公款和贪污受贿那么简单。The problem is not simply one of embezzlement and bribery.

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还有人指责基础设施粗劣,还抨击政府贪污受贿。Others charged shoddy construction and slammed the government for corruption.

古时候有一个县官,贪污受贿,谋取私利。In ancient times there was a country magistrate who took bribes and practised graft.

这个县长已经因为贪污受贿而被拿问了。The head of the county has been detained for interrogation due to corruption and bribery.

水门事件、不断披露的政府和商业高端的贪污受贿和不正当勾结。Watergate, repeated exposures to graft and wrong-doing in high places --- both government and business.

在中国,经常是副职官员在贪污受贿案中下马,而高层官员则可以免责。In China, it is often the deputies who are punished in corruption cases while the top cadres are exonerated.

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中国食品和药品监督管理局的另外一名官员曹文庄上个星期因贪污受贿被判处死缓。Another food and drug official, Cao Wenzhuang, was given a suspended death sentence last week for a bribery conviction.

安迪出狱后,领走了部分监狱长存的黑钱,并告发了监狱长贪污受贿的真相。Andy after his release, took the part of black money kept by the warden and the warden was denounced corruption of the truth?

我从没听说过中国的将军比乌尔伯勒公爵更腐败,也没有听说中国的政治家比卡迪纳尔杜布瓦贪污受贿更甚。I have not heard of any Chinese general more corrupt than Marlborough, or of any politician more corrupt than Cardinal Dubois.

2000年Saad由于指责穆巴拉克贪污受贿影响埃及形象的罪名而遭到国家宪兵的逮捕。In 2000 Saad was arrested by the national police, and charged by the Mubarak regime with embezzlement and defaming Egypt’s image.

通过办案发现并查处民事行政审判人眼贪污受贿和枉法裁判,遏制司法工作中的腐败现象。They hold back the phenomena of corruption during the process of handling cases of corruptions , bribe, and law perverting arbitration.

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是时候政府应当大声反对腐败,采取坚决措施惩治那些贪污受贿、挪用公款的人了。It is time that the government should speak out against corruption and take strong action to punish whoever takes bribes or embezzles fund.

据新华社报道,最高人民法院原副院长黄松有因贪污受贿,14日在河北开庭受审。Former Vice President of the Supreme People's Court Huang Songyou went on trial for taking bribes and graft in Hebei Thursday, Xinhua reported.

像大多数银行业危机一样,借贷标准已经变得松懈不严,并且有互联借贷以及大量简单老式的贪污受贿行径。As is usual in most banking crises, lending standards had become lax, there was interconnected lending and there was plenty of plain old-fashioned graft.

仲裁员在仲裁该案时有贪污受贿,徇私舞弊,枉法裁决行为的。The arbitrators have committed embezzlement, accepted bribes or done malpractice for personal benefits or perverted the law in the arbitration of the case.

仲裁员在仲裁该案时有贪污受贿,徇私舞弊,枉法裁决行为的。Where the arbitrators involved in any of conducts of embezzlement, bribery, practicing favoritism for himself or relatives, twisting the law in rendering arbitration award.

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流落街头的肖扬本以为可以求助于远在上海的父母,谁知此时爸爸因贪污受贿被检察机关起诉。Xiao Yang of the street think they can turn to their parents far away in Shanghai, Who knows at this time my father was due to prosecutors to prosecute corruption and bribery.

由于被剥夺了公诉豁免权,贝鲁斯科尼面临重新接受对其的大量审讯,包括一次贪污受贿指控和一次骗税指控。Stripped of immunity from prosecution, Berlusconi faces the reopening of a number of trials against him, including one on charges of bribery and corruption and another for tax fraud.

改革开放以来,我国社会生活中出现了腐败现象蔓延的趋势,尤其是党政干部中存在比较严重的贪污受贿、以权谋私。There has been a trend of corruption in Chinese society ever since the reform and open policy. Bribery and abuse of power are particularly serious problems with some of the leading officials.