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花被剪下后,很快会凋谢的。Flower soon fade when cut.

花被野草盖没而凋落。The flowers were choked by weeds.

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雌花具明显的花被。Female flowers with evident perianth.

花被分类成许多不同的种类。Flowers are categorized into many different kinds.

柴团长拿枪指着花花被李冬青阻拦。Wood, pointed a gun at the flower perianth dong-qing li.

花被圆筒形,先端四齿裂,花瓣状。Perianth cylinder form, 4 tine crack tip, petaline shape.

上位的插入或位于花被之上的。Inserted or situated above the perianth. Used of an ovary.

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给已经走了的她盖上一层绚丽的花被。Cover she that give walk already by layers of beautiful flower.

四种荞麦的花被片脉迹数目是不同的。The number of tepal trace is various on four kinds of fagopyrum.

第一节论述花被女性所关注的原因。The first section elaboration perianth female pays attention reason.

次总苞,小总苞次级花被,如处于复合。A secondary involucre, as at the base of an umbel within a compound umbel.

叶白色短柔毛在两面。花被白色或者苍白的玫瑰,没有斑点。Leaves white pubescent on both surfaces. Tepals white or pale rose, unspotted.

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三角形盾形的不叶片,花被不增大也非肉质在果期。Leaf blade not triangular-peltate, perianth not accrescent nor fleshy in fruit.

外花被片段为深棕红色,短披针形,带白色边缘。Outer perianth segments dark brownish-red, short lanceolate, with whitish edge.

黑色的甘蔗床在传统夏威夷拼花被的衬托下,形成美丽的对比。The dark cane bed is a beautiful contrast to set of a traditional Hawaiian Quilt.

采自苜宿小花被养蜂人公认为最好的蜂蜜。From the flowers of the white clover, regarded by beekeepers to be the best honey.

“噢,一准是我的花被博福特的压住了,”阿切尔烦躁地说。"Oh, well, no wonder mine were overshadowed by Beaufort's, " said Archer irritably.

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那五常得知马上花被抓,连夜出发进入伏击地点。The Wuchang that immediately perianth caught, starting the night into the ambush site.

达里尔米勒德画作下,放置着由传统夏威夷拼花被装扮的床。The bed is dressed in traditional Hawaiian quilts beneath a painting by Daryl Millard.

优质棉花被誉为布基纳法索的“白金”,是民族的骄傲之一。Top quality cotton is a source of national pride and is known as Burkina Faso’s “white gold”.