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咱们玩逃学吧!Let's play hooky!

今天我们逃学吧。Lets play hooky today!

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今天我们逃学吧!Let's paly hooky today!

我会更经常地逃学。I would play hooky more.

这名小学生逃学。The pupil bagged school.

你今天逃学了吧?Did you play hooky today?

汤姆今天逃学了。Tom ditched school today.

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我从来不逃学。I never bunked off school.

她时不时的逃学。She plays truant now and then.

因为我逃学被逮到。Because I got caught playing hooky.

他的逃学一直是个问题。His truancy was a constant problem.

逃学的学生受到了严厉的惩罚。The truants were severely punished.

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彼得因逃学受到训斥。Peter was skinned for playing truant.

他因逃学而受严斥。He was reprimanded for playing truant.

露西说服阿丹不逃学。Lucy talked Dan out of skipping class.

据警方消息,他们都是逃学的学童。All were known to the police as truants.

你看我像检查逃学的训导员吗?。How did you know I was a truant officer?

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小弗朗丝今天上午逃学了。Little Franz played truant this morning.

逃学的念头在我脑子里闪了一下。For a moment I thought of playing truant.

他可不像你,动不动就逃学。Hes not your sort, who plays hookey at will.