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那红花正开于其上。The red flower growing.

红花以水浸至出香味。Soak saffron in water until aromatic.

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山桃红花满上头。Red peach flowers cover a high mountain.

草坪上点缀着朵朵红花。The lawn is interspersed with red flowers.

山桃红花满上头。The pink peach flowers crown the mountaintop.

田地被蓝花和红花覆盖着。The field was covered by blue and red flowers.

小女孩在她的头上插了一朵红花。The little girl wore a red flower in her hair.

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我没浇甘斯水之前并不会开红花。He did not give the red flower before I used it.

红花有绿叶扶持更好看了。Red flowers look more beautiful against green leaves.

黄耀尊用爱化解了红花所有的仇恨。Mr Wong and solve all of the safflower hatred with love.

红茶,金盏花,红花,香柠檬油。Black tea, marigold petals, safflowers, and bergamot oil.

红花在英语里面直接由汉语翻译为红色的花。Hong Hua translates to Red Flower in English from Chinese.

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白花素洁,红花沉稳,紫花淡雅。White flowers Mazumdar, safflower calm, elegant purple flower.

她看到一条河,两岸长着红花绿草。She saw a river with red flowers and green grass on both sides.

可有效的保护红花酢浆草的正常生长和景观效果。And it can effective protect normal growth and landscape effect.

窗外的木棉树上开着耀眼的红花。Just outside the windows kapok flowers glowed red in full bloom.

我想在这些红花中拿一些和粉红花搀在一起。I think I'll mingle some of these red flowers with the pink ones.

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就在昨天,我还在路旁看到了几朵美丽的红花。Just yesterday, I saw some lovely red blossoms along the roadside.

建议喝些姜黄茶或用玫瑰花、红花、山楂泡茶饮。Some suggest a tea or use turmeric, red roses, hawthorn drink tea.

我看到一条小河,河的两岸长满了红花绿草。I saw a small river with red flowers and green grass on both sides.