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行商庇佑主之门,开启!Gate of the Lord of Protection, Open!

我的庇佑天使是我最亲爱的朋友My guardian angel is my dearest friend

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核武器是一个陷阱,而非庇佑。Nuclear weapons are a trap, not a gift.

承上帝庇佑,也承那亲王庇佑,她进了院。With the aid of God, and of the Prince, she entered.

你要知道一颗善良的心不会一直庇佑为你披荆斩棘。You know a heart of gold won't take you all the way.

阿富汗战争对我们的核项目是一种庇佑。The Afghan War was a blessing for our nuclear program.

如果你想上帝庇佑你的财产,你就必须保持诚实公正。If you want God's blessing on your finances, you've got to be honest.

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他期待来年的丰收,因为他知道他将获得神的庇佑。He looks forward to the harvest because he knows he's going to be blessed.

中国人也希望祥云能够带来庇佑与和谐。Chinese people expect the auspicious clouds to bring blessings and harmony.

他的安全就是他坚信上帝庇佑的物理表现。His safety is the physical manifestation of his belief in God’s protection.

所以我每天应该花费点时间好好思考一下我的人生受到多少庇佑。So I think I should take time everyday to think about and ponder about blessing in my life.

如果你放弃已有的东西时,现在就是你从上帝获得更多的庇佑的时候。When you let go of what's in your hand, it's now empty to receive greater blessings from God.

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旅行、高等教育、出版、媒体、医药、法律,这些方面你都会得到庇佑。Travel, higher education, publishing, the media, medicine and the law are beautifully blessed.

认为真的有神灵在周围,庇佑我们不受伤害是愚蠢的。It's folly to think that we have about us protective spirits who might actually keep us from harm.

在大革命中浴血奋战挺身过来的人们既可以为了感谢上天的庇佑而经常做礼拜,也可不做。The men who fought the Revolution may have thanked Providence and attended church regularly—or not.

那些投资根本就没有用,它们受到老天的庇佑——尤其是这些软件库存。Those investments weren't just good, they were blessed by heaven -- especially the software stocks.

当你表达对朋友的尊重和对这份友谊的感恩之情时,对你的庇佑和祝福也会通过各种方式来到你身边。When you show respect for your friends and gratitude for their friendship, you'll be blessed in untold ways.

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法老处于社会的最上层,具有神圣的地位,他死后会跻身丁庇佑埃及的众神之殿。Egyptian society was Pharaoh, a divine king who after death joined the pantheon of gods that watched over Egypt.

书中的鲁斯坦拥有无比的力量,被魔力所庇佑,象征着波斯的荣誉与品德。In its text Rustam is said to possess great strength, be protected by magic, and symbolise Persian honour and virtue.

在古埃及语中“天堂之门”是指有神的雕像庇佑着的圣地之门。In the Ancient Egyptian language "The Gates of Heaven" meant the doors of a sanctuary housing the statue of a divinity.