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我痛恨罪恶。I hate sin.

他宽恕罪恶。He forgives sins.

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承认罪恶。Confession of sin.

哇,我是多么罪恶呀!Wow, how sinful I am!

他被洗清罪恶。He is washed from sin.

他与罪恶作斗争。He warred against vice.

她依次数说她的罪恶。She recounted her sins.

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她述说了他的罪恶。She recounted his sins.

是罪恶玷污了我们。Sin is what defiles us.

私心是罪恶的根源。That is the root of sin.

我罪恶全赦免得称义。To pardon and sanctify me.

没有伤害,没有犯规,没有罪恶。No harm, no foul, no guilt.

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那么罪恶又是怎样产生的呢?Then how can there be evil?

金融是罪恶的根源。Mfirsty is the root of evil.

是的,食物代表罪恶,腐败。Yes foods were meant to rot.

堕胎是应该受诅咒的罪恶。Abortion is an abominable sin.

而且我相信,那是一种罪恶。Besides I believe it is a sin.

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钱是一切罪恶的根源。Money si the root of all evil.

一项罪恶的策划已出台。A guilty plan has been schemed.

人类所有的习惯都是罪恶的。All the habits of Man are evil.