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钓鱼线是羊肠线做的。He is a man with plenty of guts.

钓鱼线是羊肠线做的。The fishing line is made of gut.

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医用羊肠线,适用于妇科手术。The catgut suture applies to Gynaecologic surgery.

而羊,是一种最原始的羊肠线的来源。And sheep, is one of the most primitive sources of catgut.

介绍了486例会阴侧切后用羊肠线埋缝的方法。Author successfully treated 486 cases of lateral episiotomy with catgut encatarrhaphy.

此外,羊肠线在体内的吸收速度和刺激强度也难于控制。In addition, it is difficult to control the stimulation intensity and the absorbed velocity of catgut in vivo.

无菌医用羊肠线无损伤缝合针,适用于妇产科手术。The disposable and atraumatic suture needle with catgut suture applies to obstetrics and gynaecology department.

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理论结合医用羊肠线加工模型,提供的设计依据可解决国产产品强度偏低的问题。Many troubles of production can be explained with this mechanics model, and it could be used as a reference for medical sulures.

弦现在是金属的,但在十六,十七,到十八世纪,弦是用猫肠或羊肠线制作的The strings are now metallic but sixteenth, seventeenth to eighteenth century they would have been made out of cat or sheep gut.

目的观察羊肠线穴位埋藏法治疗痤疮临床疗效并探讨其作用机制。Objective To observe therapeutic effect of buried acupuncture point by catgut on patients with acne vulgaris and explore its action mechanism.