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新娘满脸微笑,容光焕发。The bride smiled radiantly.

希望使她容光焕发。Hope transfigured her face.

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皮肤看起来水润容光焕发。Skin looks hydrated and glowing.

她的面容因高兴而容光焕发。Her face was transfigured with joy.

他乐得容光焕发,心里暖烘烘的。He was glowing and warm with delight.

照她一个密友的话说,简直是“容光焕发”。One friend described her as "glowing".

他的脸容光焕发。There is a glow of health in his face.

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她那容光焕发的微笑似乎是残酷的。Smile seemed heartless in its brilliancy.

常吃红枣可使人面色红润,容光焕发。Eating Jujubes frequently can make us look healthy.

这些数字不断上升,最高级保持容光焕发。THE numbers keep rising, the superlatives keep glowing.

如果这些还不能让你容光焕发,我不知道还有什么可以。If that’s not enough to make you glow, I don’t know what will.

你希望他们看到的是你容光焕发、活泼愉快,乐观向上的一面。You want them to meet someone who is fresh-faced, chirpy and upbeat.

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容光焕发的肌肤和微翘的嘴唇是你最佳的资本,要好好利用。Glowing skin and pouty lips are your best assets so capitalize on them.

皮肤的外观和感觉更清洁,更顺畅,更均匀,容光焕发的健康。Skin looks and feels cleaner, smoother, more even and radiantly healthy.

同时,这位老婆婆也容光焕发地回到了家里。Meanwhile, the old woman was also radiant with joy, returned to her home.

精神抖擞、容光焕发,渴望喝水和性,不过水已够满足他的欲望。Alert, alive, gasping for water and sex, but content enough with the water.

她脸上容光焕发,衣着完美无暇,人人都朝她看。Her face was bright with pleasure, her dress perfect. Everyone looked at her.

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然而,无论大小,钻石继续闪耀在任何时候都容光焕发。However, no matter what the size, diamonds still sparkle radiantly at all times.

水分锁住不流失,即使在严厉的办公室热度下肌肤也能保持容光焕发。The water locks in moisture and leaves my skin refreshed even in harsh office heat.

然而,一次又一次地,我看见他的观众在散场时充满希望,意志坚定,容光焕发。Yet, again and again, I saw him send audiences away glowing with hope and resolution.