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他撤消了车驾He avoided carriages.

已删除撤消信息。Undo information erased.

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这种更改无法被撤消和复原。This change is not undoable.

创建可放弃的撤消单元。Creates a discardable undo unit.

此类型成员页已撤消。This type member page has been retired.

古巴方面坚持要求美国撤消封港令。Cuba insisted on removal of the embargo.

鲍勃·奎克后来撤消了指控。He subsequently withdrew the accusation.

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奢侈品限额已被撤消。The quota on luxury item have is revoke.

奢侈品限额已被撤消。The quota on luxury item have is revoked.

使用共享子列表实现撤消操作Using shared sublists for undo operations

奢侈品限额已被撤消。The quota on luxury item has been revoked.

1766年,英国议会撤消了印花税法案。In 1766, Parliament repealed the Stamp Act.

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先例一开,便无法撤消。This precedent is set and cannot be undone.

对他的一切指控已撤消。The presiding judge cleared him of a charge.

全部撤消,重做无限移动的功能。Full undo-redo function with unlimited moves.

您已经撤消了您取消订阅的请求。You have canceled your unsubscription request.

对他的一切指控已撤消。He was cleared from all charges brought against him.

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起诉方已撤消了对他的指控。The prosecution has withdraw the charges against him.

他们可能会在以后“撤消删除”,然后进行阅读。They might "undelete" it at a later time and read it.

能开一张不可撤消的跟单信用证吗?Can you please open an irrevocable documentary credit?