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用蓝色柔韧的枝条?By withes of supple blue?

他有柔韧的肌肉来卖力工作。Third, he had flexible flesh to work well.

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按摩有助于使颏下松弛的皮肤柔韧起来。Massage will help to tone up loose skin under the chin.

加热至口感柔韧后,加入白蟹肉并保温。Once cooked to al dente add white crab meat and warm through.

柔韧的脚架也使它非常的稳固耐用。The flexible feet frame also makes it very strong and durable.

“之所以说这艘船不同寻常是因为它的建造材料非常柔韧,”罗伊尔说。“It’s unusual because the material is so flexible,” Royle said.

男性比女性更难做到-,男性的柔韧度更小。Again, it's more difficult for men than for women-- less flexible.

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不过,俺既学不来少林之刚猛,又受不了太极之柔韧。But I can stand neither Shaolin's strongness nor Taiji's softness.

柔韧。就是改变观点的能力,改变的力量。Pliability the ability to change an opinion, the power of revision.

框架的主体采用一种海绵状具有柔韧质地的聚合材料制作。The form was made of polymers that had a spongy and flexible texture.

这是卡尔蒙特提供的全部高柔韧产品中的最灵活的产品。It is the most limber of all the High Flex Products offered by Calmont.

波纹软管的设计包括标准波距,开阔波距和超柔韧。Hose corrugation designs include Standard Pitch, Open Pitch and Superflex.

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要保留你的石膏柔韧多一点的时间来把一切理顺吗?Want to keep your plaster pliable a bit longer to get it all smoothed out?

它的显示器由9.5厘米的柔韧的对角薄膜组成。Its display consists of a 9.5cm diagonal, thin-film flexible E Ink display.

柔韧的鲸骨用来制作妇女的紧身胸衣、衣钩和鞭子的柄。Its flexible bones were used to make corsets, dress hoops and whip handles.

颈椎是具有强度和柔韧度的力学结构。Cervical spine is a mechanical structure that has both strength and flexibility.

卡尔蒙特的全部高灵活度产品中,氟代柔韧线缆拥有最小的完成直径。It has the smallest finished diameter of any of the Calmont's high flex products.

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动作迅速、柔韧、充满激情的他,发出一声善意的吼叫,向另一支球队发起了挑战。Quick, lithe, competitive, he challenged the other team with a good-natured roar.

拔出柔韧地软管,旋转搅拌罐混合水泥,把它们铺在路上吧!Pull out the long flexible hose, rotate the drum to mix the cement and pour it out!

前臂适度丰满,而骹骨柔韧但不软弱。The forearm is moderately fleshy and the pasterns are flexible but without weakness.