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第五交响曲Fifth Symphony?

对的,第五交响曲Okay. Symphony no. 5.

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对,是贝多芬的第五交响曲Okay, Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.

那首交响曲被糟蹋得不成样了。The symphony was dreadfully mangled.

他曾帮助创作合唱交响曲。He helped to accouche choral symphony.

乐队演奏了一首莫札特的交响曲。The orchestra played a Mozart symphony.

该管弦乐队将演奏她新近推出的那首交响曲。The orchestra will debut her new symphony.

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录音机可使这交响曲重现。The tape recorder reproduced the symphony.

第四交响曲,作品44,“交响片段”Symphony No. 4, Op. 44, Pages symphoniques.

第4交响曲缩编谱,为双钢琴而作。Reduction of Symphony No. 4, for two pianos.

大调第二交响曲,作品25,“布列塔尼人”Symphony No. 2 in A major, Op. 25, Bretonne.

乐队演奏了一首莫扎特的交响曲。He is a violoncellist in a symphony orchestra.

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这个交响曲是任何收藏都必须具备的。This symphony is a must have for anycollection.

降B大调第二交响曲,作品36,“乌埃尚岛”Symphony No. 2 in B flat major, Op. 36, Ouessant.

为钢琴四手联弹而作的第9交响曲的缩编谱。Reduction of Symphony No. 9, for piano four hands.

为钢琴四手联弹而作的第10交响曲缩编谱。Reduction of Symphony No. 10, for piano four hands.

为小提琴和钢琴而作的第14交响曲缩编谱。Reduction of Symphony No. 14, for voices and piano.

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悦耳的音符,交响曲,和一个没有卡农D调的生活。A melody, a symphony, a life without our Canon in D.

降B大调第三交响曲,作品104,“威斯特摩兰郡”Symphony No. 3 in B flat major, Op. 104, Westmorland.

这首交响曲确实需要为数不少的一组演奏者。The symphony does require a largish group of players.