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工人在歇工。The workmen are out.

矿工发起了一场歇工。The miners launched a strike.

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所有的工人都在歇工。Bll the workers are on strike.

他歇工两星期。He took two weeks off from work.

我们五点钟歇工吃晚饭。We knock off at 5 0'clock for supper.

工会为争取更好的事业条件而歇工。The union struck for better work conditions.

你们中午一般什么时候歇工吃午饭?。When do you usually knock off work for lunch?

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圣诞假期,这些工厂歇工了。The works have closed for the Christmas holiday.

煤矿工人已歇工约两周了。The coal miners have come out for about two weeks.

铁路工人歇工了,天龙八部游戏下载。The workers of the railway station were on strike.

农民们在中午最热的时候歇工。The farmers are lying by during the heat of the day.

歇工的负责人18感染与高尔夫俱乐部。Knock off the heads of 18 infected with the golf club.

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歇工的成果,资方接受了工人的要求。The strike resulted in the management's accepting the workers' demands.

忽然,车子先是发出嘎嚓声,然后又是劈啪声,终于发动机彻底歇工了。Suddenly, the car started chugging and sputtering until finally the engine quit altogether.

这是南车机车商业机器暂时歇工紧张的主要原因。This is a strain of Southern car locomotive business machine temporary knock off the main reason.

如果需要,即使窑炉仍处于较高温度的时候,也可以进行更换,从而最大限度减小歇工时间。Another benefit is that they can be replaced, if necessary, whilst the furnace is hot, thereby minimising downtime.

这些管理人士说,柳工在中国运行的设备必须很皮实,因为它们经常必须一天24小时不间断地工作,而且一整年都没有多少歇工的时候。Liugong equipment operated in China has to be tough because it often is run for three shifts a day, nearly every day of the calendar year, company executives say.