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所以现在是半吊子科学家。On the way to be a scientist.

半吊子进步,表面的人权。Half of progress, quasi-right.

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我最鄙视这种半吊子英语的人了!I have held this English dabbler person in contempt most!

这件衣服或许应该被称为半吊子衣服。This outfit should perhaps be known as the midcomeback dress.

“我不赞成做半吊子的事,”丹南特太太说。"I don't believe in doing things by halves", said Mrs. Dennant.

你们俩血管里骚动着的半吊子社会主义哲学对我倒是毫无作用。The socialist philosophy that riots half-baked in your veins has passed me by.

而且自从我开始用精油之后,就不用这些半吊子的东西了。But since I started using essential oils, you do not have these barely passable.

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或者还因为Skype来自欧洲,并且我们都知道欧洲人只不过是一群只知道吃饭的半吊子。Or maybe the fact that Skype came from Europe, and we all know that Europeans are just lunch-eating dilettantes.

因为这个理由,对于心理治疗学的半吊子态度,等于是在玩火。业馀者应该被严厉地警告,不要存有这种态度。For this reason to dabble in psychotherapy is play with fire, against which amateurs should be stringently cautioned.

无论它最终出现在哪里,R2都在本田和丰田公司那半吊子的机械类人型机器人的基础上,迈出了一大步。Wherever it ends up, R2 represents a shot across the bow for the mechanized humanoid dilettantes at Honda and Toyota."The

提着半吊子兴趣去看了阅兵,刚开始觉得和平常生活中看的阅兵没有什么两样,都是千篇一律的整齐。To mention a half-interest to see the parade, just start to feel, and everyday life seen in the parade is no different, are size-fits neatly.

严谨专业的开发人员会在代码中撰写得体完备的文档,半吊子程序员不会这么做。Proper and complete documentation in the code marks the difference between a serious, professional developer and someone who is playing at it.

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如果女孩能设法稍微在她们的圈子里多接收几个异性朋友,而男孩也别再为了吸引注意而做出些半吊子的举动,这实际上对双方都有好处。It really would be advantageous to both sexes if girls would try to mingle a little more and boys would stop acting sophomoric to attract attention.

这是上天对于不完美的问题、无谓的要求、三心两意的聆听、半吊子的努力及不完全的信任所给予的最完美的答复。答案就在眼前!Here is the perfect answer, given to imperfect questions, meaningless requests, half-hearted willingness to hear, and less than halfway diligence and partial trust.

通观历史,你会发现,如果一个国家的大权,正好落入某个半吊子哲学家或者文学癖好者手中,那么,这样的统治者对国家造成的灾难,将无与伦比。If you look at history you'll find that no state has been so plagued by its rulers as when power has fallen into the hands of some dabbler in philosophy or literary addict.