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叶定邦是一位世界级的排疑解难高手。Vincent Ip Ting Pong is a world-class problem-solver.

我会替丈夫分忧解难。I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.

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人真的有很多的苦,难解难言。The person really has a lot of bitternesses, difficult solve difficult speech.

拥有好心情可以增加创意解难能力和其他方面的想象能力。Being in a good mood has been shown to increase creative problem-solving skills and other aspects of thinking.

双脚盘坐在盛开的莲座上,右手掌向上,表示原意帮助人解难。Feet plate sat on the rosette in full bloom, right palm upward, indicating intent to help people solve problems.

透过校园游历,利用定向竞赛模式、观察及估算,加强同学解难能力。Students' problem solving skills can be strengthened through orienteering , observation and estimation on the campus.

给疲惫带来休息,给气馁带来欢呼,给悲伤带来阳光,同时它是困境的最佳的自然解难方法。It brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and is nature's best antidote for trouble.

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普遍范式的这些解难者受到异常越来越强的阻碍,在极端情况下,他们盲目到甚至不认识一种异常。The puzzle- solvers become increasingly baffled by anomalies, and in extreme cases, are too blinded to recognize an anomaly.

而钢笔和粉笔技法则理论薄弱,在用笔技法上的阐述难得一见,因此很有释疑解难的必要。Since the theory of pen and chalk calligraphy is poor, it is essential to interpret the technique of pen and chalk calligraphy.

毕业后找份好工作的压力太大了,所以我决定嫁给一个爱我的、愿意替我分忧解难的男人。I felt great pressure to find a good job after graduation so I chose to marry a man who loves me and is willing to shoulder my burden.

刘琨在国家危亡之际,激发了他为国解难、拯救黎民百姓的一腔热血。At a time when the country in peril, Liu Kun inspired problem-solving for the country to save the people of the First Action cavity blood.

我们致力培育学生成为能干的专才、有效的沟通者、具创意的解难者及有教养的世界公民。We strive to nurture them to become competent professionals, effective communicators, creative problem-solvers and educated global citizens.

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人们就幻想出各种神灵,并渴望借助它们的神力来消灾解难,以求得渔业、盐业以及农业的丰收。People fancied all kinds of gods and deities, which could help remove disasters and guarantee a good harvest in fishing, salt industry and farming.

在这些地方以及在其他暴力和灾难的最前沿,勇敢无畏的联合国工作人员继续迎接挑战,为弱势群体纾困解难。On these and other frontlines of violence and disaster, courageous UN staff continue to rise to the occasion and respond to the plight of the vulnerable.

然而,普遍范式的这些解难者无休止的辛劳将变得越来越徒劳,因为对于那些在普遍范式内部工作的人来说,普遍范式的盲点变得越来越增大。However, the endless toil of the puzzle-solvers becomes increasingly futile because of the growing blind spot of those who work within the prevailing paradigm.

如果普遍范式的一个独往独来的对手吁请公众对一种异常引起注意,他可能很快有上百个解难工作的专家对付他。If a maverick opponent of the prevailing paradigm calls public attention to an anomaly, he might soon have a hundred puzzle-solving specialists working against him.

文章探讨了静摩擦力判断的基本途径,力图为静摩擦力的教学解难释疑。This text has probed into the basic way that stat ic friction force is judged, Try hard to solve problem and dispel suspicion for the teaching of static friction force.

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金香和带男认出肃恭的字迹,知道是他通风报讯,并要他说出解难办法,肃恭认为首要拆解的是绝种危机。Ready and of incense and bring men recognize the handwriting, know he is ventilated newspaper, and asked him to speak out, the ready and think first apart is extinct crisis.

我们要始终牢记最广大人民的根本利益是我们一切工作的出发点和落脚点,多为广大人民群众办实事、做好事、解难事,最大限度地调动广大人民群众的积极性、主动性、创造性。We should always remember all the work we do origin from the radical benefits of the widest People. Serve for the masses and give them a full scope to initiative and creativity.

新闻宣传人员要服务于思想政治工作,关键是要在“树典型、解难事、出精品”上下功夫。The press campaign personnel want to serve the ideology political works, the key are want in "the tree model, the solution difficult matter, the high-quality goods" on to work hard.